Diversity in Apps Launches New Initiative
June 17, 2015
Earlier this year, Sandhya Nankani, founder of Literary Safari, wrote a blog post for our site about the need for more diversity in kids’ apps. As often happens when an important idea bubbles to the surface, a movement has been born. Sandhya tells us the blog post sparked a great deal of conversation, and an interdisciplinary group of producers, publishers, educators, and academics has just launched a new initiative called “Diversity in Apps” that not only aims to address the need for more diverse content in mobile media but will also highlight the work of companies that are publishing diverse content.
They’re looking for broad support and participation. In the coming days, they aim to announce upcoming events, including Google Hangouts, so visit the the diversityinapps.com website for more information about the initiative, its founding members, and to sign up for updates or to let the team know how you’d like to participate!