Digital Book World / Launch Kids

The Digital Book World conference will be held in New York City from January 13 to January 15, 2014. On January 13, Publishers Launch Conferences will once again complement Digital Book World Week with a full-day conference devoted to the key issues facing children’s book publishers in today’s digital transition.
Launch Kids features top executives and innovators discussing the future of the children’s book publishing business. Focused on both traditional print publishers moving into the digital space and digital players partnering with established publishers, the conference highlights new digital products, platforms, and channels.
Cooney Center Executive Director Michael Levine will lead a panel exploring the intersections of gaming and education. The panel will uncover why the Gates Foundation, Sesame Workshop and major education publishers are experimenting and investing in game-based learning initiatives, and they will discuss how gaming can enhance learning through interaction and assessment programs that mimic real world lessons.
For more information, see the Digital Book World website.