Diverse Families and Media: Using Research to Inspire Design

On Friday, October 30, the Families and Media Project is hosting a morning of discussions about the need to create diverse media for children and families and to launch our newest publication, Diverse Families and Media: Using Research to Inspire Design.
The panels are:
Designing for Diverse Families
Kevin Clark George Mason University
Claudia Haines Association for Library Service to Children
Aaron Morris PBSKids
Michael Levine Joan Ganz Cooney Center (moderator)
Opportunities to Support Home-School Connections Using Technology
Brigid Barron Stanford University
Carmen Gonzalez University of Washington
Eric Cuentos Mission Graduates
Margaret Caspe Klein Harvard Famiy Research Project
Karen Cator Digital Promise (moderator)
If you are interested in joining us, please RSVP to lili.toutounas [at] sesame.org
The event is co-sponsored by the Stanford Graduate School of Education, Digital Promise, LIFE Center, and the Joan Ganz Cooney Center.