DML 2014

The DML2014 conference calls on all of us to build shared agendas and goals, to reach across the boundaries that separate our disciplines, fields, institutions, and sectors to re-imagine the where, when, and how of educational practice.
On March 7 at 4pm, join the Cooney Center for “Creating Youth Builders – Promoting a New Game Design Ecosystem to Engage Hard-to-Reach Youth in Learning.” Game-based learning has emerged as a promising area of innovation in making STEM content, critical skills, and systems thinking more engaging for America’s youth (e.g., Klopfer et al, 2009). Furthermore, a growing body of research suggests that creating video games can be a highly engaging way for youth to learn STEM skills (e.g., Robertson & Howells, 2008). Though the research shows that game design can be used to learn, the process of engaging non-dominant youth in game design is a challenging one. To begin to understand these issues, this session will assemble some of the promising and scalable practices that have already engaged thousands of youth globally and in the U.S. JGCC Industry Fellow Anna Ly will lead a panel of representatives from non-profits, educational media, researchers, and participants of game design.
See the DML2014 website for more information.