EdWeb Webinar: The K-12 Market for Digital Games

Join us for “The K-12 Market for Digital Games,” a free EdWeb webinar on Monday, July 8, 2013- 4pm / Eastern Time.
Dr. John Richards, President, Consulting Services for Education, Inc. and Adjunct Faculty, Harvard Graduate School of Education, will present an analysis that is the result of extensive market research and a series of over fifty structured interviews with leaders from the developer and publishing industries, and from the government, foundation, investment, and research communities. John will approach learning games in terms of the functions they serve in the school context. Dr. Michael Levine, Executive Director of The Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop, will explore how games and simulations have made their way into the current discussions of the most pressing education reforms – from embedded assessments to personalized, highly engaging project-based learning to new forms of teacher preparation. He will be asking what teachers themselves think and will share how pioneering educators are responding to these new opportunities. Michael’s presentation will explore the work of the Games and Learning Publishing Council, which will be surveying, documenting and scaling promising teacher practices that are integrating game-based technologies.
– To pre-register – http://bit.ly/10JxROL
– Log-in for webinar – www.instantpresenter.com/edweb3
– Game-Based Learning community – www.edweb.net/gaming