Growing Up Online: Youth Mental Health in a Modern World at Milken Institute Global Conference

The Milken Institute Global Conference takes place May 1-May 3, 2023 in Los Angeles, California. This year’s theme of ‘Advancing a Thriving World’ will tackle the most pressing challenges and capitalize on the most exciting opportunities of our time. The conference is available to view via live stream here. Cooney Center Executive Director Michael Preston will participate on the following panel, moderated by Savannah Sellers, with Jean Accius, Nina Davuluri, and John McPhee:
Growing Up Online: Youth Mental Health in a Modern World
Wednesday, May 3: 11:50am PT /2:50 pm ET
Growing up in a radically transformed modern world, the way children and adolescents communicate and consume information all affects their mental health. Now there is a growing movement to ensure youth’s safety online and to design tools that foster positive outcomes. With a host of intensified social and environmental issues affecting Generations Z and A, how can we empower children and adolescents to learn emotional regulation, develop creativity, and connect with others in an inclusive environment? How might we lay the foundation for youth to live more resilient, healthy, and meaningful lives?