International Communication Association’s 65th Annual Conference

Communication Across the Life Span
The 2015 conference theme “Communication Across the Life Span” encourages academics to explore the various ways in which our discipline provides a lens for interpreting the evolving meanings, relationships, experiences, and critical crossroads of the life course. Technological evolution, economic changes, medical advancements, environmental turbulence, political movements, and other evolving circumstances not only influence our experiences across the life span, but also the development of social policies and ethical frameworks that shape societies. Across domains, life-span dynamics are inseparable from the communication processes surrounding them.
This year’s conference theme seeks to explore the multiple ways communication affects, reflects and directs life’s trajectory. As we grow up and grow old, embrace new experiences, try on new roles, and adopt new media technologies, our sense of time, space, connection, and identity are fundamentally explored through communication. The questions of why, how, with whom, and to what end humans communicate reflect and shape their ever-changing life-span position. And, while the “life span” can be conceived as a continuum, it is also one hinged by critical junctures and bound by cultural definitions that can be better understood through communication.
Early registration ends May 1, 2015.