Revolutionary Learning 2016

Revolutionary Learning 2016 will feature hands-on workshops, educational keynotes, a Local Game Jam, a Revolutionary Game Arcade, and ample networking activities designed to connect attendees with professionals who will inspire. Colleagues and thought leaders from the cutting edge of learning will be in attendance – it’s the one place to truly learn from each other.
Featured Session:
Who Says What’s “Educational”? The Role of Research in Learning Games: A Panel Discussion
Thursday, August 18 9:00am – 10:15am ET
With the growth of digital distribution and the rapid rise of mobile devices, educators these days can find and use games in the classroom more easily than ever. But how much research lies behind the most popular learning games? Do learning designers have as strong an influence as that of production or game designers? And how are educators to evaluate claims when literally tens of thousands of games on Apple’s App Store claim to be “educational”?
Join USA TODAY education writer Greg Toppo, author of the 2015 book The Game Believes in You: How Digital Play Can Make Our Kids Smarter, as he talks to four key players in the industry, all of whom have spent years taking a long, hard look at the role of research in the production of modern learning games.
Panelists: Michael Levine, Founding Executive Director of the Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop; Kristin DiCerbo, Principal Research Scientist& Lead of the Center for Learning Science and Technology at Pearson; Justin Leites, Vice President of Amplify Learning; Valerie Shute, Mack & Effie Campbell Tyner Endowed Professor of Education at Florida State University