Webinar: Creating a Conversation About Anywhere, Anytime Learning

American children spend an average of 6.6 hours in school each day.1 How do they spend their hours outside of school? To explore this question, the Harvard Family Research Project invites you to participate in an upcoming web conference, Creating a Conversation About Anywhere, Anytime Learning. This web conference is the second in a year-long strand of work exploring the idea of family engagement in anywhere, anytime learning. It will be held on Wednesday, October 15, 2014, from 1:00–2:15 p.m. (EST).
A distinguished group of educational leaders will discuss the changing landscape of learning opportunities for children and the vital roles of families and communities in complementing the role of schools. This web conference will be hosted by Heather B. Weiss, founder and director of Harvard Family Research Project, and moderated by Christine Patton, senior research analyst at Harvard Family Research Project.
Panelists will be:
- Gregg Behr, executive director, Grable Foundation
- Terri Ferinde Dunham, partner, Collaborative Communications Group; lead, National Network of Statewide Afterschool Networks
- Lori Takeuchi, senior director and research scientist, Joan Ganz Cooney Center.
Topics will include:
- Access and use of digital media for learning among young children and families
- Community-wide initiatives to promote anywhere, anytime learning opportunities
- Quality afterschool programs that offer a pathway for positive youth development and educational success.
Register today—space is limited!
Join the conversation online using #HFRPinteract and by following @HFRP. You can also access this and all other event recordings at www.hfrp.org/interact.
1 National Center for Education Statistics. (2009). Average number of hours in the school day and average number of days in the school year for public schools, by state: 2007–08. Schools and Staffing Survey. Retrieved from http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/sass/tables/sass0708_035_s1s.asp