
Here are some upcoming events that we think will be of interest to our readers. If you would like to submit an event to be listed here, please contact us.

Events for March 5, 2018 - November 18, 2017

NHSA Early Childhood Innovation Summit 2017

From its earliest days, Head Start programs, rooted in diverse communities across the country, have had to make innovative adaptations based on local needs and resources. Many of those innovators and their innovations deserve national attention for their ingenuity and potential, yet most have remained unrecognized—in the Head Start community or outside in the larger early childhood community. Almost every one of the important innovations has not been scaled because of insufficient tools, resources, and entrepreneurial skills. Yet, at a…

Media Literacy in Early Childhood Pre-Conference Symposium

The Technology in Early Childhood (TEC) Center at Erikson Institute, in partnership with The National Association for Media Literacy Education (NAMLE), is hosting a one-day pre-conference symposium, Media Literacy in Early Childhood: A Critical Conversation on June 26, 2017, prior to NAMLE’s 2017 conference. The day will focus on why media literacy is a critical habit of mind and the set of skills for young children growing in the digital age. Michael Levine will serve as a Working Group Leader for two sessions…

International Society for Technology in Education 2017 Conference

Extraordinary educators deserve extraordinary professional development. At ISTE 2017 in San Diego, learn teaching strategies that work from the brightest minds in ed tech. Connect and learn from other innovative educators, thought leaders and education companies at the world’s most comprehensive ed tech meeting of the minds. Learn More

American Library Association 2017 Conference

The ALA is the oldest and largest library association in the world and holds its Annual Conference & Exhibition each summer. As the world's biggest library event, it brings together up to 25,000 librarians and library staff, educators, authors, publishers, Friends of Libraries, trustees, special guests and exhibitors to engage and participate in the ongoing transformation of libraries and to network. With around 2,500 scheduled events of which more than 500 are programs, sessions and in-depth facilitated and information conversations,…

NAEYC 2017 Professional Learning Institute

This year's NAEYC Professional Learning Institute takes place in San Francisco, CA. This conference is designed for all early childhood professionals, including leaders who prepare, mentor, and support early childhood professionals, as well as program administrators, teacher educators, trainers, teachers, and researchers. Participants explore the expanding early childhood knowledge base, developing skills that improve professional preparation and practice, and discuss effective, active learning approaches for adults. Learn More

Jean Piaget Society Annual Meeting 2017

The 47th Annual Meeting of the Jean Piaget Society takes place in San Francisco, CA from June 8-10, 2017. This year's theme is Technologies and Human Development, wth a lens on child, youth, and adult learning and development with games, social media, digital archives as cultural tools. Reesearcher Tamara Spiewak Toub will present "Navigating the world of digital apps: How parents choose apps for young children" at the "Taming Technology: Making Evidence-Based Decisions Regarding Digital Media" session at 3pm on June 8.…

Dust or Magic App Camp

A gathering of top children's interactive designers, editors and reviewers who review the year and critique the field. The reviewers share what they’ve seen and explain what they like. The publishers demonstrate their latest apps. What do you do at App Camp? Give demos and get feedback from an expert audience. Meet old friends, and make new ones. Help critique the latest apps by way of demonstrations. Get the latest news on hardware and app store policies. Get a crash…

67th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association

The theme of the 67th annual International Communications Association conference is Interventions: Communication Research and Practice. The conference takes place in San Diego from May 25-29. Cooney Center Senior Fellow Sarah Vaala will present "Parents' reactions to Descriptions of Children's Apps: Results from a Parent Survey Experiment"  in a panel chaired by Matthew A. Lapierre and Erica Scharrer at 3:30pm on Monday, May 29.   On Thursday, May 25, the Center for research on Children, Adolescents, and the Media at the University of Amsterdam,…

Invention & Intervention: Blending Research with Practice to Develop Effective Media for Youth

By bringing together media producers, industry researchers, and children’s media scholars from around the world, the intent of this preconference is to: provide guidance and information to academic researchers on the types of research currently conducted within the children’s media industry; identify how academic researchers might be influential in conducting research that will drive more impactful media productions; and brainstorm ways to facilitate improved communication between researchers and (media) practitioners. This daylong preconference (lunch included) will include three panel sessions…

Fred Forward Symposium 2017

Founded to bridge and build the fields of early learning and children’s media, the Fred Forward Conference brings together researchers, technologists, media creators, educators, and advocates, to explore current and emerging issues impacting the healthy development of children birth to age 8. The goals of the Fred Forward Symposium are to provide a forum to empower parents and engage families as positive media mentors, share in developing and disseminating messages to improve outcomes for children and families, encourage participants to…

Scratch Day

Scratch Day is a global network of events where people gather to celebrate Scratch, the free coding platform and online community for kids. Scratch Day events bring together young people from the Scratch community to share projects, learn from each other, and welcome newcomers. This year’s celebration is during the month of May. Look for a Scratch Day in your community, or organize your own! Learn More