
Here are some upcoming events that we think will be of interest to our readers. If you would like to submit an event to be listed here, please contact us.

Events for July 12, 2021 - March 11, 2020

Society for Research in Child Development 2019 Biennial Meeting

The Society for Research in Child Development hosts its 2019 Biennial Meeting in Baltimore, MD this year. The invited program features scholars from a number of countries (Australia, Germany, Mexico, South Africa, United Kingdom, United States), and disciplines (anthropology, economics, education, medicine, psychology, public health, public policy, sociology). Each day of the conference will be organized around one of these three themes: International, Interdisciplinary, and Relevant. Learn more about the SRC Biennial Meeting.

Family Online Safety Institute: 2018 Annual Conference

The 2018 FOSI Annual Conference will see the launch of FOSI’s latest research report, “Online Safety Across the Generations.” Panels will address topics such as screen time and “tech addiction”, digital resilience and wellbeing, content moderation, children’s privacy, and how we can all work together to build a culture of responsibility online. Learn more and register at

NAEYC 2018 Annual Conference

The NAEYC Annual Conference is the largest early childhood education conference in the world. Each year, tens of thousands of teachers, program administrators, students, and researchers choose from hundreds of presentations and exhibits to explore the latest trends and research in the early childhood field. Learn more and register:

Future of Childhood Salon: Immersive Media and Child Development

On November 7 and 8, 2018, the Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop, the School for the Future of Innovation in Society at Arizona State University, and Dubit will host the inaugural Future of Childhood Salon on Immersive Media and Child Development. At this day-and-a-half workshop, we will proactively plan for the future of immersive media—i.e., virtual, augmented, and mixed realities—in the lives of preadolescents before these technologies become ubiquitous among children this age. A cross-sectoral group of approximately…

18th Annual Dust or Magic Fall Institute

A group of reviewers, designers and researchers meet to review the past year in children’s interactive media, as well as the latest research, writing and trends. The three day event—equivalent to a graduate level course—includes review of child development theory applied to the latest interactive media, plus demos, critiques, testing and brainstorming sessions. This agenda is not defined by social or commercial agendas. Selling is not permitted; there are no sponsors or booths. Dust or Magic is an outgrowth of Children’s Technology…

Children’s Media Association – Bay Area Town Hall

The Children's Media Association celebrates the launch of the Bay Area chapter with their first official event: Rosé and Play with CMA-BA There will be games. There will be snacks. There will be tastings of rosés. And, of course, there will be opportunities to network with the dreamers and makers in our beloved industry! Our Town Hall is an opportunity to be part of the "think tank" that is CMA-BA. Come and celebrate with us at our launch party...for a…

Digital Media and Developing Minds Congress

This year, Children and Screens and Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory are hosting the 2nd national Digital Media and Developing Minds Congress, October 15-18, 2018 at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in Cold Spring Harbor, New York.  This conference will foster fruitful interaction and collaboration between researchers, clinicians and educators.  Speakers and panelists will evaluate the current state of scientific knowledge regarding how digital media influence child development at multiple ages and stages; outline directions for future study, and recommend interventions and solutions. For more…

National Center for Families Learning Conference 2018

The ​Families ​Learning ​Conference focuses ​on ​innovative ​strategies ​and ​practices ​in ​family ​literacy ​and ​learning, ​two-generation ​education ​solutions, ​and ​parent ​and ​family ​engagement. Attending the conference will equip you with tools and strategies to use right away with the students, families, and communities you serve. This year's meeting takes place in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. See the website for more information on registration and fees:

Connected Learning Summit at MIT Media Lab

The mission of the Connected Learning Summit is to fuel a growing movement of innovators harnessing emerging technology to expand access to participatory, playful, and creative learning. The Connected Learning Summit represents a merger between three community events with this shared vision and values: the Digital Media and Learning Conference, the Games+Learning+Society Conference, and Sandbox Summit. With a unique focus on cross-sector connections and progressive and catalytic innovation, this event brings together leading researchers, educators and developers. Learn More

The Children’s Media Conference

The Children’s Media Conference is an important event in the United Kingdom for everyone involved in developing, producing, and distributing content for kids. We open our doors to delegates from television, radio, film, games, interactive media, magazine and book publishing, the licensing and toy sectors, and the arts and culture sectors. Learn More

15th Annual Games For Change Festival

Join a community of game experts, developers, technologists, funders and social innovators to share groundbreaking ideas and interact with new impact games and immersive media. Attendees will also engage in three days of thought-provoking conversations, workshops, and networking events. Learn More