Tag Archives: design
53 result(s)
Sticky Notes, Clay, and Big Ideas: The Magic of Co-Designing Edtech with Kids
March 18, 2025
The tables were strewn with multicolored pipe cleaners, clumps of clay, construction paper, markers, feathers, scissors, tape, and other arts and crafts materials. On a Friday afternoon last June, about a dozen kids, ranging from 8 to 12 years old, filled a studio space in New York’s School of Visual Arts with noisy, exuberant chatter as they brought their brainstorms to life with marker-stained fingers. Several adults joined the creative chaos, including game designers from Mrs Wordsmith, a developer of…
What Children Think About “Age Appropriateness” in Games
November 4, 2024
In the last five years, there has been mounting public interest in the relationship between digital technology use and children’s wellbeing. New policies and legislation aimed at promoting children’s rights and/or safety online are being proposed across North America and around the world at an unprecedented rate. Despite their popularity among children of all ages, however, digital games are often left out of the conversation. As is children’s vast knowledge, insights, and willingness to discuss the positives and negatives that…
EdTech Week: “Can You Tell Me How to Get to Sesame Street? Designing EdTech for Impact”
September 27, 2024
Columbia University, Teachers College Thursday, October 10, 2024 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM [Invite-only] Lunch & Learn: “Can You Tell Me How to Get to Sesame Street? Designing EdTech for Impact” Sesame Street has been a successful edtech innovation for more than 50 years because it is both engaging and educationally effective for children and families. Over lunch in an interactive session, panelists who work at and with Sesame Workshop will share how they design for impact. They will discuss how to…
Can AI Help Kids Feel Creative?
September 24, 2024
We talk about kids and AI, and we talk about creativity and AI. But while we know that creativity impacts children’s development, identity formation, and learning, children’s creative experiences with AI are often left out of the conversation. Conversations around AI and kids tend to focus on AI literacy – teaching them the skills they need to understand and use AI in their everyday lives. Certainly these skills are important as AI continues to be integrated into our everyday lives,…
Call for Applications: Well-Being by Design Fellowship 2025
September 6, 2024
The Call for Applications is now open through October 11, 2024. If you follow our work, you may have seen the incredible results produced by our inaugural cohort of Well-Being by Design Fellows. Building from the success of the first year of this program, the Joan Ganz Cooney Center is thrilled to announce a second year of the Well-being by Design Fellowship, supported by Pinterest. We invite applications from mid-career designers of kids’ technology and media who want to prioritize…
Preparing Engineers to Design the Future of Well-being in Digital Spaces
July 30, 2024
As an instructor at the Fowler School of Engineering at Chapman University, I teach an undergraduate Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) class regularly. This class is a hands-on, project-based course that teaches students the fundamental principles of HCI and Interaction Design. The course aims to enable students to apply interaction design methodology—discovering requirements, designing alternatives, prototyping, and evaluating—to develop technology that puts the user’s needs upfront. In the Spring 2024 semester, our class goal was to design technology that supports the digital…
Bringing RITEC Learnings to Life and Putting them into Practice
July 16, 2024
During the week of the 2024 Games for Change Festival, the Cooney Center had the privilege of helping to organize a series of events to bring the Responsible Innovation in Technology for Children Project (RITEC) learnings to life by sharing the backstory of the research process and work with children, and demonstrating how some have begun putting the RITEC-8 framework into practice. Celebrating the launch of the recent RITEC research report: Diving into working with children for children We started…
New Research from UNICEF Innocenti Tests the RITEC Framework with Kids
April 30, 2024
We are very excited to share new research produced by UNICEF Innocenti – Global Office of Research and Foresight as part of the Responsible Innovation in Technology for Children (RITEC) initiative. The Cooney Center was fortunate to hear insights from the researchers as the report was being finalized. From a Cooney Center perspective, there are several things that we love about it: Many initiatives work to create a framework and then leave it there. The RITEC initiative developed the RITEC-8…
Digital Safety and Well-Being at the PRIVO Children’s Digital Privacy Summit
February 22, 2024
The Cooney Center was honored to be invited to PRIVO’s inaugural Children’s Digital Privacy Summit in Los Angeles in January. We don’t have the opportunity to connect with those in the privacy and compliance world as much as we would like, so it was extremely valuable to learn about ins and outs of the challenging environment that companies are navigating. We were glad to be able to offer an aspirational reminder to attendees of what a positive digital world for…
Announcing the Well-being by Design Fellows
January 16, 2024
The Joan Ganz Cooney Center is thrilled to announce the 10 fellows who have joined our inaugural Well-being by Design Fellowship, which is supported by Pinterest and foundry10. The fellows were selected from a pool of nearly 100 talented applicants through a rigorous review process. The organizations that our fellows represent range from small to large companies; all of them share a passion for creating great digital experiences for young people. The purpose of the fellowship is to promote “well-being…