Tag Archives: digital media

74 result(s)

Well-Being by Design Fellowship: Call for Applications

The Call for Applications period has closed. Please learn about our Fellows here!   The Cooney Center is excited to announce our new Well-being by Design Fellowship, supported by Pinterest. We invite applications from mid-career designers of kids’ technology and media who want to prioritize designing for well-being at early stages in the development process and are currently working on a project/product that can be workshopped throughout the fellowship period. This free program will involve interactive virtual sessions over four…

The Cooney Center’s Next 15 Years and Beyond

Years ago, when I was a lowly graduate research intern crunching data in Sesame Workshop’s content research department, I saw firsthand the great care with which the organization created high-quality educational media for kids. My journey into education research started just as the internet arrived in NYC public schools, which kicked off an exciting movement that was mobilized by all kinds of new activity to make it possible to connect every school to each other and to the world beyond.…

From Surviving To Thriving in A Digital World: A Safer Internet Day Chat

On Safer Internet Day on February 7, 2023, The National Association for Media Literacy Education (NAMLE) and The Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop hosted a webinar with adult and youth experts to discuss issues around well-being and technology. Michelle Ciulla Lipkin (NAMLE), Elizabeth Milovidov (LEGO), and Michael Preston (Joan Ganz Cooney Center) were joined by teens representing the Headstream Accelerator and #ICanHelp.

Please Vote for Our SXSW 2023 Panel!

It’s August—which means it’s SXSW PanelPicker time! We are looking forward to sharing ideas and learning together with friends and colleagues in Austin in March 2023. The SXSW panel selection process relies on input from the community, and we’ve got a PanelPicker proposal we’re incredibly excited to share. To vote, please visit panelpicker.sxsw.com/vote before Sunday, August 21st and log in or create a free account. It’s super easy! You can find our proposal here. Designing Tech for Children’s Well-Being There…

Introducing the Next Gen Public Media Youth Fellows

The Joan Ganz Cooney Center is excited to welcome 10 youth fellows from around the country to participate in our initiative, By/With/For Youth: Inspiring Next Gen Public Media Audiences. These teens were selected from an applicant pool of more than 60 talented youth to join a four-month, paid fellowship program to help shape the future of public media. In the 1990s, the disability rights movement brought us the mantra, “Nothing about us, without us.” We believe the same needs to…

Playtest with Kids: A Digital Toolkit for Creating Great Products with Kids

Conducting playtesting with kids can be tricky. It can be challenging to get feedback from children that can really help producers make great products—but it’s definitely not impossible. We are thrilled to share Playtest with Kids, a new digital toolkit that shares best practices gathered from dozens of kids researchers. “Do you like this?” seems like a very reasonable question to ask children. But we’ve noticed that asking this seemingly-straightforward question will often result in an immediate “yes!” —not because…

Into the Digital Future: Finding Balance in the Digital Future with Sonia Livingstone

What are Child Rights in our digital world? Sonia Livingstone is working to ensure a balanced approach to design and policy to allow kids to make the most of opportunities afforded by technology while protecting them. Balance might mean weighing risks of being online with opportunities for learning, or finding approaches to parenting that let the family strike a balance with digital spaces and face-to-face experiences.

Join Us As We Head Into the Digital Future – A New Podcast from the Cooney Center

When it comes to raising healthy and smart kids in the digital age, there really are no easy answers. Parents are often the gatekeepers or guides of our kids’ relationships with technology—and it’s so easy to be overwhelmed by warnings about the dangers of screen time that it can be difficult to think about how to steer them towards safe and healthy digital experiences. But parents are not alone. Policy makers, pediatricians, tech industry leaders, and researchers are working to…

Oh, Who Are the People in Your Metaverse…

With the recent announcement of the new umbrella name “Meta,” the Facebook/Instagram/WhatsApp behemoth is shifting its place of business to the “metaverse.” It seems timely, then, to consider what we mean when we use that term and, particularly, how it can be made transformative and beneficial for children and teens. There is, as yet, no true metaverse, so it’s early enough that all stakeholders can shape a positive trajectory. In Dubit’s vision, we might start by imagining the metaverse as…

The Augmented and Virtual Reality Policy Conference

In the last decade, augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR) have evolved from niche tools for enthusiasts and high-tech industries to more widely adopted communications technologies that have the potential to transform the way people communicate, collaborate, and learn. As AR/VR solutions gain traction across sectors, they will raise important policy considerations-some of which are already a part of broader tech policy discussions, while others will be unique to these technologies. Through a series of expert talks and panels, this half-day…