Tag Archives: edtech

20 result(s)

Developing a Curriculum in Game Design and Development

Steve Isaacs teaches video game design and development to middle school students in New Jersey, and has been recognized as an ISTE Outstanding Teacher this year. Here he shares his experience in developing a curriculum in game design at his school, and offers tips for educators interested in doing so at their own schools.   When I started teaching at William Annin Middle School (WAMS) in 1998, I offered an after school computer club that focused on Game Design and…

Introducing gamesandlearning.org

Ever since the Joan Ganz Cooney Center opened its doors in 2007, we’ve met a lot of great developers who are producing games for kids. And one piece of advice that they are all looking for is how to get their products funded and distributed as widely as possible– whether the K-12 institutional system, or the App Store. We’ve been listening, and we want to help. Two years ago, with support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, we convened…

What Can We Learn from Teacher Surveys?

This fall, students across the country walked back through school doors. Each child undoubtedly had his or her own unique summer, possibly filled with camps, vacations, or just time to relax with friends and family. However, it is very likely that one shared element of each child’s summer vacation was ample time to spend with media and technology, whether it was the television, smartphones, tablets, or computers. While one might assume the end of the summer means students spend less…

Data Matters: The Future of EdTech Depends on Sharing Information

If the investment in digital technology and gaming in schools is going to continue to grow, it is up to game developers and companies to do a better job sharing information about what games work and for what kind of learners. That was the message from the deputy director of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation who oversees investment in what the foundation dubs the next generation of K-12 education in the U.S. last week. Stacey Childress said the coming…

Join Us at Games for Change

If games and learning is a topic that sets your creativity reeling, then block your calendar for June 17—19th and make your way to New York City for the 10th Anniversary Games for Change Festival.  The Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop has curated a selection of speakers and panel discussion on a wide range of games & learning topics, ranging from an investigation of Common Core standards and the goals of 21st-century skills development, role-playing in video games…

EdTech Industry Summit

The 10th annual EdTech Industry Summit will focus on Navigating “Next.” Sessions will discuss what’s coming next in the teaching and learning process in a post-PC world, and will prepare attendees to build the infrastructure, products, and services to support the changes that schools want or need. The conference invites the  K-12 and postsecondary education technology marketplace for a lively discussion on the future of educational technology. This year, Michael Levine and John Richards will present a panel on game-based…

ISTE 2012

Geared towards educators and edtech professionals, ISTE invites the education technology to panels, discussions, and speakers focused on professional development and networking. This year’s conference looks at “Expanding Horizons” for strategies and tools to bring technology further into education. For more information, please visit their official site.

It’s Not Just the Teacher, It’s What the Teacher Teaches, Including Life Skills!

Reprinted from the Huffington Post, July 28, 2010, with permission from the author, Ellen Galinsky. A front-page story in the New York Times today (July 28) by David Leonhardt is provocatively titled “The Case for $320,000 Kindergarten Teachers”. In what is described as an “explosive” new study, Harvard economist Raj Chetty and his colleagues have shed new light on the importance of quality early childhood teaching. The researchers examined the life paths of almost 12,000 children who were part of…