Tag Archives: education
61 result(s)
Games in Education Conference
June 18, 2014
Games in Education is a multi-day symposium which focuses on the topic of using video games to supplement and inspire in-classroom education. Participants span early childhood through post secondary educators in New York’s Capital District and surrounding regions who are interested in finding ways to use video games and related technology to enrich and inspire interest by students in core curriculum topics. The symposium has run annually since 2007 and is free for educators to attend. For more information, visit…
Can Games Make High-Stakes Tests Obsolete?
June 6, 2014
Part 5 of MindShift’s Guide to Games and Learning. Nobody likes high-stakes testing. The problems are well documented. But maybe games can help to change the way we approach assessment. At least since John Dewey, educational theorists and scholars have been clear about the inherent shortcomings of thinking about education in terms of standardized, quantifiable outcomes. In order for instructional strategies to be successful at a large scale, they need to take individual differences under consideration. Not all students are…
Project Pen Pal: Connecting Classrooms through Sharing Science
February 27, 2014
When twelve-year-old Amy O’Toole spoke at TED last fall, she took the stage as one of the youngest people ever to have published a peer-reviewed science article. Amy’s inspiring article, which she wrote with her classmates as part of a playful participatory science program, is perhaps the only peer-reviewed science article to begin “Once Upon a Time”; it is both good science and a good story. As Amy’s article and TED talk show, play helps students learn science, and storytelling…
January 29, 2014
FETC, a division of 1105 Media Inc., is one of the largest conferences in the United States devoted to educational technology. The conference gives educators an opportunity to learn how to integrate different technologies across the curriculum – from kindergarten to college – while being exposed to the latest hardware, software and successful strategies on student technology use. FETC is designed for teachers, principals and deans, district administrators, curriculum designers, media specialists, technology directors and others. At 1:00 pm on…
Sandbox Summit 2014
January 28, 2014
Sandbox Summit, an idea forum focused on the intersection of play, learning and technology invites educators, researchers, developers, and innovators of kid-centric media to this annual event at MIT. Presented by MIT’s Comparative Media Studies and Education Arcade, Sandbox Summit@MIT will highlight some of the minds behind – and in front of- today’s revolutionary ideas, platforms, places and products. From toys and games, to schools, museums, media and marketing, you’ll hear about the ways and whys purposeful designs power playful…
April 10, 2013
INplay is Canada’s premiere kids content conference that focuses on interactive media created for kids from Pre-School through to Tween. From the video game business to the broadcast industry, from toys to toons, the INplay conference brings together leaders in the kids space to learn, network and be inspired by the future of kids interactive digital media. For more information, please visit the official site.
Open Education Week
February 21, 2013
The Open Education Movement advocates sharing content, reducing barriers to, and increasing access in in education. During Open Education Week, the organization will host free events online and in locations around the world to raise awareness of the movement and its impacts. Participation in all events is free and open to anyone. For more information, please visit the official site.
How and Why Digital Badges Promote College and Career Readiness
January 15, 2013
Welcome back! In our first post, we told you about Connected Foundations, a digital literacy program funded by the US Department of Commerce’s Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP) and managed by the NYC Department of Education and the NYC Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications. In this post, we’ll describe the “badged and blended” formula we use in courses for NYC high school students. What does “badged and blended” mean? Instructional content in our online platform, BadgeStack, is grouped into…
GDC 2013: Education Summit
January 13, 2013
The Game Developers Conference (GDC) is one of the gaming industry’s largest conferences. It is known worldwide as the primary forum where programmers, artists, producers, game designers, audio professionals, business decision-makers and others involved in the development of interactive games gather to exchange ideas and shape the future of the industry. This year’s event features an Education Summit which will explore new approaches to teaching game design and creating game design curriculum.
KidScreen Summit
November 28, 2012
Bringing together top executives and decision makers within children’s entertainment, KidScreen Summit allows participant to engage in thoughtful conversation about the current issues impacting the industry, current market needs and trends, upcoming challenges, and ultimately how to move business forward. Nearly 1,500 delegates from over 800 companies are expected to participate in the energetic forum with producers, distributors, media buyers, and content creators. For more information, visit http://summit.kidscreen.com/index.php