Tag Archives: education

61 result(s)

Putting Children First – Reflections on Education Nation

The past few weeks have been big for our industry — conferences from EdNet to Engage, the expansion announcement of E-Rate, a stellar New York Times article on Learning by Playing, the release of Waiting for Superman, and NBC’s Education Nation. Guest blogger, Ellen Galinsky, offers her perspective on Education Nation (reprinted from What It Will Really Mean to “Put Children First”–Reflections on NBC’s Education Nation in Huffington Post): Many of this nation’s movers and shakers in education gathered this…

Apps for Healthy Kids Winners Announced!

On Wednesday, the White House announced the winners of the Apps for Healthy Kids competition ― part of the First Lady’s Let’s Move! campaign. Our Executive Director, Michael H. Levine, was honored to be involved, as one of the judges. Congrats to all the winners and runner-ups! Earlier this month, White House CTO Aneesh Chopra also launched Challenge.gov, a one-stop-shop where entrepreneurs and innovators can follow in the footsteps of the Apps for Healthy Kids winners to compete for prizes…

We are not Waiting for Superman, We are Empowering Superheroes

At last year’s Leadership Forum, Participant Media screened an early trailer for Waiting for Superman, which opens tomorrow. Here is some commentary on the film from Diana Rhoten, Co-Founder & Managing Director of Startl: I had the chance to attend the CUSP Conference in Chicago these last couple of days. I am not much of a conference go-er as I typically hate the contrived socializing and obsequious insider-ism that often go along with overpriced conference fees and underwhelming hotel rooms.…

Teaching for a Shared Future: American Educators Need to Think Globally

By Esther Wojcicki and Michael H. Levine, reprinted from the Huffington Post American students’ lack of knowledge about the world is unsettling. According to surveys by National Geographic and Asia Society, young Americans are next to last in their knowledge of geography and current affairs compared to peers in eight other countries, and the overwhelming majority of college-bound seniors cannot find Afghanistan, Iraq or Israel on a world map. Less than one half of today’s high school students study a…

Revolution Needed for Teaching Literacy in a Digital Age

Reprinted from Huffington Post, July 5, 2010. Written together with Esther Wojcicki, Creative Commons Board Chair America is celebrating. The Fourth of July is a time for parades, parties, BBQs, fireworks—we certainly have much to be thankful for here in America, the most innovative country on earth. But one area of American life that is consistently resistant to innovation is our education system. On our nation’s birthday–a cause for celebration of our founders’ audacity, independence, courage and innovation skills– we…