Tag Archives: google

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The Internet Is For All of Us

How many of you have NOT used technology today? Or the Internet? Those are questions I often ask in my presentation. It doesn’t matter how many people are in the room or what day or time of day it is, usually no one raises his or her hand. But even among people who, technically, have Internet access, digital inequities exist. They’re hidden and hard to find—until now. A recent report from the Joan Ganz Cooney Center reveals while nine out…

The Thin Line Between Education and Entertainment

If you were challenged to define what math is, what would you say? How about science? What makes the two different, or maybe even the same? I started exploring the idea of what makes up these educational disciplines as a result of hearing the term STEM more and more in the news. STEM is a short-hand way of referring to science, technology, engineering and mathematics, but is this term simply a collection of separate items, or could there be something…

If I Were a Kid in Ancient Rome… in 2009

Reprinted from the March 2009 from Cooney Center Bits Newsletter: The Roman Forum on Google Earth Last week, Google announced the winners of their first-ever nationwide curriculum contest using Google Earth. The Ancient Rome 3D Curriculum Competition challenged educators to create a K-12 lesson plan about Ancient Rome using the Ancient Rome layer in Google Earth. Truly versatile and integrated lesson plans were submitted, and the Cooney Center’s own Executive Director Michael H. Levine helped identify the work that rose…