Tag Archives: policy

22 result(s)

Protecting the Sticky Fingers

A few weeks ago I blogged about Fisher Price’s new iPhone case, a plastic case that protects the devices from the poking, prodding, and sticky fingers of young children. I commented on how we’ve figured out how to protect the device from sticky fingers, but questioned who’s protecting those sticky fingers from the device. Well, it seems like Apple has taken one step in the right direction. Recent accounts of children unknowingly racking up thousands of dollars through in-app purchases…

The iTot Challenge: Getting Young Children Ready in the Jetsonian Age

Reprinted from Huffington Post. As President Obama discusses our State of the Union with a much needed focus on innovation, education and investment in America’s future, let’s focus on one area that is ripe for radical change: how digital media can be used for education and hands-on, lifelong learning beginning right from the start. We need to focus more attention on the potential long-term effects of a major investment in the early years, especially in building an entirely new learning…