Tag Archives: youth

82 result(s)

Raising Our Democracy: From Schoolhouse Rock to Well-Versed!

As the United States enters a national election cycle, concerned experts and educators are calling for a renewed emphasis on civic education. We’re witnessing intense political polarization; it seems more urgent now than ever before to find civic values that unite our fellow citizens.  For older generations, educational media such as the iconic Schoolhouse Rock!, which is currently celebrating its 50th anniversary, or Nick News’ Kids Pick the President series were important resources for learning about civics and democratic values.…

Into the Digital Future: Designing for the Positive Possibilities of Technology with Jaspal Sandhu

In this episode, Jordan and Laura sit down with Jaspal Sandhu, Executive Vice President at Hopelab, a social innovation lab dedicated to supporting the mental health and well-being of young people, with a focus on equity. Jaspal shares his unique journey from mechanical engineering to youth mental health advocacy, shedding light on the intersection of design, technology, and health. They discuss the Responsible Technology Youth Power initiative, emphasizing the importance of involving young leaders in shaping the responsible use of…

Into the Digital Future: Empowering Children’s Voices with Amanda Third

Laura and Jordan are joined by Amanda Third, Associate Professor at the University of Western Sydney and co-author of the UN’s Digital Rights of the Child. Amanda shares her participatory research approach that empowers children as active contributors to data on their digital experiences. As part of the Global Kids Online initiative, she highlights the digital challenges kids face and calls for adult support and effective policies. Tune in to understand how we can create a future where children can…

Announcing Our Second Season of Into the Digital Future

We are thrilled to announce the second season of Into the Digital Future, our podcast that explores the complexities of parenting in the digital age from the perspectives of a wide range of experts in pediatrics, public health, public policy, technology, and more. Hosts Jordan Shapiro (Cooney Center Senior Fellow and author of Father Figure: How to be a Feminist Dad and The New Childhood: Raising Kids to Thrive in a Connected World) and Laura Higgins (Senior Director of Community…

Growing Up Online: Youth Mental Health in a Modern World at Milken Institute Global Conference

The Milken Institute Global Conference takes place May 1-May 3, 2023 in Los Angeles, California. This year’s theme of ‘Advancing a Thriving World’ will tackle the most pressing challenges and capitalize on the most exciting opportunities of our time. The conference is available to view via live stream here. Cooney Center Executive Director Michael Preston will participate on the following panel, moderated by Savannah Sellers, with Jean Accius, Nina Davuluri, and John McPhee: Growing Up Online: Youth Mental Health in…

In Real Life: Re-imagining Online Safety by Australian Students

As our digital lives continue to evolve into new mediums and devices, traditional online safety efforts are inevitably falling short. A new Aussie project, In Real Life, is re-imagining the landscape of online safety education by centering the perspectives of young people. Reimagining Requires New Ways of Creating For our team at PROJECT ROCKIT – Australia’s youth-driven movement against (cyber)bullying – elevating youth lived experience as expertise is central to our ability to remain relevant and impactful in an ever-changing…

From Surviving To Thriving in A Digital World: A Safer Internet Day Chat

On Safer Internet Day on February 7, 2023, The National Association for Media Literacy Education (NAMLE) and The Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop hosted a webinar with adult and youth experts to discuss issues around well-being and technology. Michelle Ciulla Lipkin (NAMLE), Elizabeth Milovidov (LEGO), and Michael Preston (Joan Ganz Cooney Center) were joined by teens representing the Headstream Accelerator and #ICanHelp.

Screens and Youth: Generating conversations between tweens and their caregivers

“I know the right answer is to tell an adult, but I would not tell an adult. I would ask my friend Lucy for advice.”  This was a 7th grader’s response to a quiz question about cyberbullying.  The student was clear that while she knew the “correct” answer, it wasn’t the action she would take in real life. Schools tend to focus on talking about digital wellness, encouraging students to earn “cyber-savvy” certificates or creating “be kind online” posters- but…

Group Chat: Teens and Adults in Conversation at Media Literacy Week 2022

The Joan Ganz Cooney Center is thrilled to collaborate with NAMLE during U.S. Media Literacy Week to present three conversations between experts and youth around topics in youth digital culture, moderated by educator Dwight Dunston. Together, adults and teens explore issues like what kids are watching online, where they get their news, how they maintain a sense of well-being in the digital world, and what it’s like to collaborate with public media professionals to produce content.   Group Chat: Adolescent…

Building a Better Tech Future for Children

On September 14, 2022, the Joan Ganz Cooney Center was thrilled to co-host Building a Better Tech Future for Children with our colleagues at All Tech Is Human. Dr. Elizabeth Milovidov, Senior Manager, Digital Child Safety at the LEGO Group, delivered a keynote address that inspired us all. She discussed the Responsible Innovation in Technology for Children (RITEC) project and the importance of designing digital media experiences with children’s well-being in mind.    David Ryan Polgar (All Tech is…