Video Game Challenge Announces Sponsors and Partners For Second Year of National Competition at White House Event

Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop and E-Line Media to Launch 2nd Annual Competition to Motivate Interest in STEM Learning

New York, NY, September 16, 2011 – The Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop and E-Line Media announced the sponsors and partners for the 2012 National STEM Video Game Challenge at the Digital Promise event at the White House today.

The 2012 National STEM Video Game Challenge builds on the success of the first year by reuniting the original Challenge Sponsors; the AMD Foundation, Microsoft’s Xbox 360 and the Entertainment Software Association, and adds the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) PBS KIDS Ready To Learn initiative as a new sponsor.

 This year’s challenge will also reunite the original founding Outreach Partners: the American Library Association, American Association of School Librarians, Boys & Girls Clubs of America, International Game Developers Association and BrainPOP and adds George Lucas Educational Foundation, the Girl Scouts of the USA and One Economy Corporation as new partners. Together, these partners reach over 10 million young people, many of whom have had inadequate exposure to engaging STEM initiatives and 21st century skills.

“The National STEM Video Game Challenge is an extraordinary opportunity that encourages children across the country to pair lessons they’ve learned in science, technology, engineering and math with their imaginations and creativity,” said U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan. “Thanks to the partnership of sponsors, the Challenge can engage more of our nation’s students in these critical subjects, and help support America’s role in innovation and discovery.”

The 2012 National STEM Video Game Challenge launched in partnership with the Digital Promise, a new initiative created by the President and Congress, supported through the Department of Education. The initiative will unlock the promise of breakthrough technologies to transform teaching and learning. 

The Cooney Center and E-Line Media will announce the prize categories, jury and rules of the 2012 National STEM Video Game Challenge when the competition launches this November. The 2012 Challenge will feature four entry categories: Middle School, High School, Collegiate and Educator.

Inspired by the “Educate to Innovate Campaign,” President Obama’s initiative to promote a renewed focus on science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education, the National STEM Video Game Challenge is a multi-year competition to motivate interest in STEM learning among America’s youth by tapping into students’ natural passion for playing and making video games.

More information on the National STEM Video Game Challenge and details on how to enter the 2012 Challenge are available at   

The Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop is an independent, non-profit research center that is fostering innovation in children’s learning through digital media. The Cooney Center conducts and supports research, creates educational models and interactive media properties and builds cross-sector partnerships. The Cooney Center is named for Sesame Workshop’s founder, who revolutionized television with the creation of Sesame Street. Core funding is provided by the generous support of Peter G. Peterson and Sesame Workshop.

E-Line Media is a publisher of game-based learning products and services that engage, educate and empower, helping to prepare youth for lives and careers in the 21st Century. E-Line works with leading foundations, academics, non-profits and government agencies to harness the power of games for learning, health, and social impact. Find out more at