Tag Archives: digital media
74 result(s)
Join Us at the DML Conference! Getting Global With It: Youth Global Participation in the Digital Age
March 13, 2013
Cooney Center fellow Christina Hinton is moderating a panel at the Digital Media and Learning (DML) Conference called Getting Global With It: Youth Global Participation in the Digital Age With an internationally interdependent economy, unprecedented levels of migration, and a continuous stream of information circulating the planet, children are growing up in a globalized world. In this era of globalization, children need to develop intercultural understanding. Modern digital technologies provide exciting new avenues for helping children gain this important skill.…
Kids@Play Summit at CES
November 20, 2012
The annual Kids@Play Summit for industry professionals in related fields will meet at the Consumer Electronics Show this January at the Las Vegas Convention Center. The summit will include three exhibit days as well as a conference on January 9, 2013, which features several experts in the field of digital media for children and topics such as the transformation of play, interactive media use, learning, and communication in a digital age. Speakers include the keynote speaker, Nolan Bushnell (Founder of…
Building Skills from Scratch
July 30, 2012
When it comes to digital media for kids, there is no lack of options in terms of what kids are consuming. From television, to computer games, to e-books, apps, and so much more, children are consuming media in constantly expanding ways. In such an increasingly crowded digital landscape, it’s important to consider the skills that kids need to successfully navigate and inhabit this world. Now what do I mean by skills? Some people refer to it as “digital literacy,” “21st…
Pushing past the digital divide in research of Latino families’ media practices
July 3, 2012
In my first post from the Hispanic-Latino Families and Digital Technologies Forum, I described participants’ commentary regarding the importance of digital literacy for advancing equity and the need to ensure high quality content and engagement in order to optimize the enormous educational potential of digital media. Numerous participants in the forum also stressed the constant need for respect, understanding, and learning from the intricacies of a culture as rich and as the growing US Hispanic-Latino population. In this post I provide…
Digital Moms: Entertaining and Educating On Hand and On Demand
June 25, 2012
Until last year, I had a strong appreciation for Muppets, but limited knowledge of the role of children’s media in the 21st century. I was purely of the first generation of ‘Streeters — the generation whose episodes now come with a parental warning. But in March 2011, everything changed. While staying with my nephews in Maadi, a neighborhood of Cairo, Egypt, for a few months, I got a first-hand glimpse into some of the affordances of digital tablets and the way…
Food for Thought: Towards a Deeper Dialogue on Print Books, E-books, and Learning
June 18, 2012
Last month, we released the results of our first QuickStudy on e-books. This report, “Teacher Attitude about Digital Games in the Classroom,” was inspired by the continued growth of e-readers — the Kindles, Nooks, and iPads that are almost ubiquitous now — and the exploding popularity of e-books for children. At the Cooney Center, we study how children’s learning is impacted by the technologies that surround them. There’s no doubt that kids are drawn to digital media — we’ve all…
Film? I’ve heard of that!
May 1, 2012
Film. It’s not something I spend a lot of time thinking about. Television is, of course, part of our daily lexicon here at the Cooney Center given our Sesame Workshop roots, but movies — not so much. Last week I had the chance to head out to TIFF Kids (the children’s version of the famous Toronto International Film Festival), where I moderated a panel on transmedia and presented our latest work in the app space. In preparation for a busy few days, I sort of…
Welcome New Rating System for Kids Digital Media Products
April 16, 2012
Here at the Cooney Center, we have seen the need to provide research-based guidance to help sift through the mountains of kids’ media that is out there (see our reports Always Connected and D Is for Digital) — so we are thrilled that Common Sense Media (CSM), the almost 10-year-old organization known for smart guidance and reviews of kids’ media, has beta-launched a new “ratings” system that deepens the appeal of their already appealing website. The ratings are intended to…
Report from Sunny Wisconsin: My Time at GLS 2011
July 5, 2011
I always love going to the Games, Learning and Society (GLS) conference in Madison, Wisconsin. Where else are you guaranteed access to a lakeside terrace, local microbrews, and warm Midwestern hospitality? In addition to these welcome amenities, GLS is also a place where games are taken quite seriously, albeit in a playful way. This year was no exception. I attended the conference to present some of the early findings from my own research. With my collaborator LeAnne Wagner, I…
The Power of Storytelling
June 27, 2011
According to research by the Kaiser Family Foundation, the typical American child — age 8 to 18 — spends no less than seven and a half hours a day engaged with media. According to research from Sesame Workshop and the Joan Ganz Cooney Center, younger children are also consuming media heavily — about 4 hours a day for the typical five year old. Television, cell phones, computers, etc. are not just part of these children’s lives — in a very…