Tag Archives: pockets of potential

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We Need Sparks of Insight and Inspiration

Back in 2010, I sat in a small office on Sveavägen in Stockholm, Sweden. It was fall, which in Scandinavia means that it is dark all the time, and rainy most of the time. My colleague Emil Ovemar and I were doing some research for a potential project regarding touchscreen devices. When doing work like this, you tend to start broad and look at anything and everything. Then you start whittling things down, building hypotheses, and finding concepts that seem…

An Ode to QR Codes

When I was in Toronto a few weeks ago for the Sprockets panel on transmedia, I had the chance to walk (ok, run) through the Tim Burton exhibit in the new TIFF building. This exhibit reminded me of a few things. First, that I am way overdue for a re-viewing of Edward Scissorhands. Second, that trips to the museum have been replaced with trips to the grocery store since I left New York and had a baby. And finally, the…

Mobile Learning Conference 2009

Reprinted from the February 2009 Cooney Center Bits Newsletter: With President Obama recently winning the fight to keep his BlackBerry, the stage was primed for 200 industry, policy, and education leaders who convened in Washington, DC to discuss the potential of mobile wireless technologies to transform children’s learning.