Tag Archives: screen time
21 result(s)
Into the Digital Future: Teens, Technology, and Trust with Amanda Lenhart
February 27, 2025
In this episode of Into the Digital Future, hosts Jordan Shapiro and Laura Higgins sit down with long-time mixed methods researcher Amanda Lenhart to discuss her journey into internet research and her extensive work focused on youth, their mental health, and digital interactions. They delve into myths and misconceptions about digital media, screen time, and the nuanced impact of technology on young people. The conversation also explores the emerging role of generative AI in education, the challenges schools face in…
Screens and Youth: Generating conversations between tweens and their caregivers
January 9, 2023
“I know the right answer is to tell an adult, but I would not tell an adult. I would ask my friend Lucy for advice.” This was a 7th grader’s response to a quiz question about cyberbullying. The student was clear that while she knew the “correct” answer, it wasn’t the action she would take in real life. Schools tend to focus on talking about digital wellness, encouraging students to earn “cyber-savvy” certificates or creating “be kind online” posters- but…
Into the Digital Future: Pandemic Parenting and Kids’ Digital Wellbeing with Dr. Jenny Radesky
December 2, 2021
This transcript of the Into the Digital Future podcast provides excerpts of the conversation that have been edited for clarity. Please listen to the full episode here. Dr. Jenny Radesky is a Developmental Behavioral Pediatrician and Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Michigan Medical School. She received her M.D. from Harvard Medical School, trained at Seattle Children’s Hospital and Boston Medical Center, and her clinical work focuses on autism, ADHD, and advocacy. Her NIH-funded research focuses on the…
Join Us As We Head Into the Digital Future – A New Podcast from the Cooney Center
December 2, 2021
When it comes to raising healthy and smart kids in the digital age, there really are no easy answers. Parents are often the gatekeepers or guides of our kids’ relationships with technology—and it’s so easy to be overwhelmed by warnings about the dangers of screen time that it can be difficult to think about how to steer them towards safe and healthy digital experiences. But parents are not alone. Policy makers, pediatricians, tech industry leaders, and researchers are working to…
Hey Big Tech, Now is the Perfect Time to Support Our Kids
May 27, 2021
Zoom school may be over for most of us, but many of our children will continue to spend more time online each week than they do in physical schools. Digital devices in the hands of today’s teens and tweens are here to stay. We need to start investing in the digital infrastructure that undergirds their development, in the same way we invest in our younger children’s daycares and playgrounds. I will explain why. Adolescents are connecting more online For close…
Parenting for a Digital Future: How Hopes and Fears about Technology Shape Children’s Lives
August 12, 2020
On July 29, 2020, the Joan Ganz Cooney Center hosted a virtual book release party for our friends Sonia Livingstone and Alicia Blum-Ross, authors of Parenting for a Digital Future. We invited Anya Kamenetz, an education reporter for NPR and the author of The Art of Screen Time, to join us in a conversation about the challenges and opportunities that parents navigate as they raise children in a digital landscape. “The digital has become the terrain on which we negotiate…
David Kleeman: What will change as a result of the pandemic
April 14, 2020
For Part 2 of the Voices on the Future of Childhood series, we asked experts to take a stab at predicting the future by offering their thoughts on “What will change in the coming months and/or years as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.” When liberated, face-to-face will overtake face-to-screen David Kleeman is Senior Vice President of Global Trends for Dubit, a strategy and research consultancy and digital studio based in Leeds, England. On March 31, the New York Times…
Powerful Ideas About Young Children and Technology: Thoughts from Thought Leaders
October 15, 2019
Let me set the scene. You’ve been invited to a roundtable conversation with 17 international thought leaders working at the intersection of child development, early learning and children’s media. As you look around the table, you see influential early childhood educators, researchers, academics, pediatricians, children’s media producers, advocates and policy experts. It is immediately clear that these leaders and innovators share a commitment to young children and child development first, technology second. Milton Chen, senior fellow at the George Lucas…
Common Sense Media Invites Sesame Street to a #DeviceFreeDinner
April 24, 2019
I remember so well the days when my now-grown daughter was a little girl learning to count and read and taking in life lessons from the beloved characters on Sesame Street about how to be a good, caring person. Back then, she could only watch Sesame Street on our one household TV at the time it came on. Today, kids can watch the show on multiple channels, on different devices, whenever they want. In honor of the 50th Anniversary of…
What Does the Research Say About Tech and Kids’ Learning? Part 2 of 2
April 30, 2018
In January 2018, Michael Levine participated in a panel conversation on young children’s media use hosted by Common Sense Media and the Brooklyn Public Library. Here, in the second of a two-part series, are some of his comments regarding the Common Sense Census: Media Use by Kids Zero to Eight report. (See the first part here.) The data from the Zero to Eight report showed that lower-income kids are spending much more time on devices than higher-income kids. If you just…