Tag Archives: technology

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FETC, a division of 1105 Media Inc., is one of the largest conferences in the United States devoted to educational technology. The conference gives educators an opportunity to learn how to integrate different technologies across the curriculum – from kindergarten to college – while being exposed to the latest hardware, software and successful strategies on student technology use. FETC is designed for teachers, principals and deans, district administrators, curriculum designers, media specialists, technology directors and others. At 1:00 pm on…

What Can We Learn from Teacher Surveys?

This fall, students across the country walked back through school doors. Each child undoubtedly had his or her own unique summer, possibly filled with camps, vacations, or just time to relax with friends and family. However, it is very likely that one shared element of each child’s summer vacation was ample time to spend with media and technology, whether it was the television, smartphones, tablets, or computers. While one might assume the end of the summer means students spend less…

Parenting in the Age of Digital Technology

On Tuesday, June 4, the Center on Media and Human Development Northwestern University released Parenting in a Digital Age: A National Survey. Alexis Lauricella, one of the report’s co-authors, shares some of the findings here.

iPads – A Tool, Not Alchemy, for Education

The topic of kids and technology is a hot topic again. This would normally be a good thing, if the questions that are being discussed weren’t fundamentally the wrong ones. It is, however, a familiar situation. We are going through a normalization of a new technology, and it will be met in the same way that technology has been met before: with skepticism, doubt and the occasional hint of technophobia. Discussions like these cloud the interesting part—the choices that parents…

Creating Solutions for Literacy Problems is Not for the Faint of Heart

What really matters for early-grade reading? That’s a question we tackled in a recent paper for policy makers and other non-academic audiences, titled “Launching Successful Readers:  The Role of ICT in Early-Grade Literacy Success.”  Our aim was to help guide and frame discussions about how to have more effective investments in technology for early-grade literacy, in both developed and developing countries, based on research about what really matters for literacy growth. No one disputes that many investments in technology for…

Early Education and Technology for Children Conference

The Early Education and Technology for Children Conference invites researchers, policy makers, administrators, and educators together to discuss technology in early childhood education. The conference invites visitors to share research and best practices for how technology can influence early education. For more information, please visit the official site.

KidScreen Summit

Bringing together top executives and decision makers within children’s entertainment, KidScreen Summit allows participant to engage in thoughtful conversation about the current issues impacting the industry, current market needs and trends, upcoming challenges, and ultimately how to move business forward. Nearly 1,500 delegates from over 800 companies are expected to participate in the energetic forum with producers, distributors, media buyers, and content creators. For more information, visit http://summit.kidscreen.com/index.php  

American Library Association: Transforming Our Libraries, Ourselves

Geared towards the library community, the 2012 ALA conference brings together educators, authors, librarians and more for a lively discussion on improving and advancing our libraries. At this year’s President’s Program, Lori Takeuchi, our Research Director, will share her findings from Families Matter, a study on parent attitudes towards digital technologies. For more information, please visit http://alaannual.org

Emerging Technologies Symposium

The Emerging Technologies Symposium is focused on technologies designed to improve online teaching and learning. Its discussions revolve around creative uses and new tools to increase effective learning experiences. Anyone involved in or interested in the potentials of online learning is encouraged to attend. For more information please visit http://sloanconsortium.org/conference/2012/et4online/welcome

BYOT: Bring your own technology

The Consortium for School Networking (CoSN) has released “Making Progress: Rethinking State and School District Policies Concerning Mobile Technologies and Social Media.”  While the title is just barely tweetable at 110 characters, the report could essentially be boiled down to just four letters: BYOT:  Bring your own technology (twitter hashtag #BYOT.) The goal of the policy report, which is the result of a convening of senior level education leaders and policy makers in December 2011 by CoSN and the FrameWorks…