Tag Archives: research
137 result(s)
Parenting in the Age of Digital Technology
Improving Our Aim: A Psychotherapist’s Take On Video Games & Violence
February 20, 2013
A little while back I was playing Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare with one of my patients, we’ll call him Alex*. Twenty minutes into our game, I was clearly losing badly and dying a lot. Although I am a gamer-affirmative therapist, first-person shooters have never been a favorite of mine. In fact it was only recently that I started playing them at home and with patients at all. The game ended with me having died 25 times to his 2. …
The Top 5 Things About Being a JGCC Research Fellow
This Fall, I became the newest Cooney Center alum. After completing my year-long stint as the 2011-2012 Cooney Center Research Fellow, I am now a post-doctoral fellow at the Annenberg Public Policy Center at the University of Pennsylvania. Having had a few months to reflect on my Cooney Center fellowship, I have gained some perspective on what made it such a rewarding experience. My first draft of this blog post was titled “The Top 100 Best Things About Being a…
The Risks of Launching a Research Project at a Time of Moral Panic
January 23, 2013
Every parent and concerned citizen in the U.S. has been following the national conversation about the need for a balanced response to the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. One area of concern that the President and Vice President highlighted in the action plan they presented last week is the role that media portrayals of violence may have on vulnerable children’s and their communities’ well-being. The President and Vice President have urged the Centers for Disease Control…
What We Don’t Know, and What We Need to Know, About the Effects of Video Game Violence
January 18, 2013
Every parent and concerned citizen in the U.S. has been following the national conversation about the need for an urgent and balanced response to the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. One area of concern that the President and Vice President highlighted in the action plan they presented on this week is the role that media portrayals of violence may have on vulnerable children’s well-being. Our leaders will urge the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to…
Pilot Study: Creative Play With Toontastic
October 4, 2012
At Launchpad Toys, we’re working to inspire creativity in children through play with digital toys and tools like our flagship storytelling app, Toontastic. As tablet usage in young children increases year after year (NPD showed 13% growth between 2011 and 2012), it has become more important than ever to provide kids with quality learning tools that maximize their time on touchscreen devices. Still, in the immortal words of former President George W. Bush, “Rarely is the question asked: Is our…
Pushing past the digital divide in research of Latino families’ media practices
July 3, 2012
In my first post from the Hispanic-Latino Families and Digital Technologies Forum, I described participants’ commentary regarding the importance of digital literacy for advancing equity and the need to ensure high quality content and engagement in order to optimize the enormous educational potential of digital media. Numerous participants in the forum also stressed the constant need for respect, understanding, and learning from the intricacies of a culture as rich and as the growing US Hispanic-Latino population. In this post I provide…
Food for Thought: Towards a Deeper Dialogue on Print Books, E-books, and Learning
June 18, 2012
Last month, we released the results of our first QuickStudy on e-books. This report, “Teacher Attitude about Digital Games in the Classroom,” was inspired by the continued growth of e-readers — the Kindles, Nooks, and iPads that are almost ubiquitous now — and the exploding popularity of e-books for children. At the Cooney Center, we study how children’s learning is impacted by the technologies that surround them. There’s no doubt that kids are drawn to digital media — we’ve all…
Q&A: Games for Change Talks to Jessica Millstone About Teachers and Games
June 7, 2012
The 9th Annual Games for Change Festival is less than two weeks away! We are thrilled that our own Research Consultant Jessica Millstone and BrainPOP’s Senior Director, Educators Experience, Allisyn Levy, will present the findings of the first national survey on teacher attitudes towards games in the classroom. Their presentation will take place on Wednesday, June 20 at 12:10 in the Tishman Auditorium at NYU. Jeff Ramos of Games for Change took this opportunity to ask her a few questions about the research and its…
An App Reviewer’s Wish List
May 15, 2012
In January, we introduced Cooney Center Research Associate Cynthia Chiong’s new website, A Matter of App, in which she rates educational apps for children. Fifty reviews later, she shares what she has learned along the way. THE BIG 5-0. Fifty reviews, that is. Woo-hoo! This has been quite a learning process for me. I started out with the goal of seeing what’s out there in the app world for kids, and I must admit that my goal has shifted a bit…