Tag Archives: research
137 result(s)
Voices from the Missing Middle
May 25, 2021
In the 1960s, Joan Ganz Cooney published The Potential Uses of Television in Preschool Education, a report that would revolutionize television for children. Where others saw a “vast wasteland,” Cooney saw possibility, and from it, educational programming for children, like Sesame Street and Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood, was born. Half a century later, the Joan Ganz Cooney Center and Corporation for Public Broadcasting seek to carry forward this vision of programming with the By/With/For Youth: Inspiring Next Gen Public Media Audiences…
The Psychology of Video Games: Current Research on the Impact of Playing Games
May 17, 2021
Billions of people around the world play video games, making gaming one of the most popular forms of entertainment today. Yet while we know there are many positive aspects to video games for learning and play, many still worry that they could also be bad for us. Video games have been accused of making players violent, isolated, dumb, or addicted. But what does academic research actually say? This is what I discuss in my most recent book, The Psychology of…
Please Vote for Our SXSWEdu 2021 Panel!
November 10, 2020
It’s that time of year again – time to vote for your favorite SXSW EDU 2021 panels. We’re disappointed not to be able to share tacos with you in Austin, but we’re very excited to talk about why tweens and teens are public media’s “missing middle” audience, the challenges of reaching these kids, and potential opportunities for public media. And, as if that weren’t enough for you, we’re having this conversation with public media luminaries Deb Sanchez, Senior Vice President,…
Let’s Talk About Public Media and the Next Generation
October 26, 2020
It seems like we’re having a lot of conversations about teens and tweens these days. Or youth? Young people? All of these terms get used by various disciplines, and some even get used by the young people themselves. However you talk about it, it’s clear that public media needs to be ready for the next generation of audiences (and technology)—because they’re already here. Right now, we’re in the middle of a new research project called By/With/For Youth: Inspiring Next Gen…
Kids at Home During School Closure: Is Virtual Reality Helping Them?
May 18, 2020
Our colleagues at Stanford University’s Virtual Human Interaction Lab are conducting a research survey to investigate the role of VR in educational strategies catered to children while families are sheltering at home as the COVID-19 pandemic progresses. If you are a parent or guardian of a child in grades K-12 and you have a VR headset at home, please consider participating! Governments all over the globe have decided to close schools temporarily in an attempt to slow down the…
Parenting with Alexa While the Family is at Home
May 1, 2020
Balancing working from home, schooling from home, playing at home, and just having the entire family at home during these times can be a challenge. For families who have dedicated voice assistants, like the Echo or Google Home, there might be some strategies parents can use to help augment their parenting tasks during these times of social distancing and sheltering in place. I was a member of a research team which investigated how families adopt and use smart speakers, like…
Lessons from Screen Captured: How Families Can Get the Most Out of Tech in Uncertain Times
March 26, 2020
As if any of us needed a reminder, the last few days showed us how quickly things can change. A month ago—or even a week ago—no one knew quite how different our day-to-day lives would be. Suddenly, kids are out of school, parents are working from home, and the way we socialize and interact with each other has seismically shifted. Now more than ever, families need to feel confident in their technology—which has been helping us stay connected when we…
Digital Media Can Help Preschoolers Learn Real-World Science Skills
March 5, 2020
Young children spend about two hours each day using screen-based media, about half of which is spent on educational media, according to their parents. Many studies report that children can learn a range of skills from well-designed educational media. Yet we know relatively little about whether and how well children are able to apply skills they’ve learned from digital media in the real world. This question is particularly important for subjects that involve learning about the physical world, like science.…
We Need Sparks of Insight and Inspiration
February 4, 2020
Back in 2010, I sat in a small office on Sveavägen in Stockholm, Sweden. It was fall, which in Scandinavia means that it is dark all the time, and rainy most of the time. My colleague Emil Ovemar and I were doing some research for a potential project regarding touchscreen devices. When doing work like this, you tend to start broad and look at anything and everything. Then you start whittling things down, building hypotheses, and finding concepts that seem…
The Most Successful Edtech Business Plan You’ve Never Read
January 17, 2020
This article was originally published on Medium in 2016 when Sesame Workshop joined forces with Reach Capital to invest in emerging companies innovating in education, health, and social welfare for children, and appears here with permission. We are honored to partner with Sesame Workshop, one of the world’s most innovative, venerable education organizations for nearly 50 years. Sesame’s experience in children’s media, early childhood development and social-emotional learning is invaluable to our fund and portfolio companies. At Reach, we believe these…