Category Archives: Gaming
Making Games Can Contribute to Learning
March 22, 2011
Last week, our colleagues at Microsoft announced the full availability of the Kodu Game Lab for the PC and the launch of a nationwide Kodu Cup competition. The competition invites students, aged nine to 17 to design, build and submit their own video games. This post by Cooney Center Research Fellow Gabrielle Cayton-Hodges originally appeared on the Microsoft Unlimited Potential blog. There’s a growing body of evidence that both playing video games and making video games have promise as educational…
Why Does the Media Still Think Video Games are Bad for Kids?
August 9, 2010
Do video games cause violence behavior in children? Are they ruining their minds? Despite scientific evidence that refutes these assumptions, why does the media still think video games are damaging for kids? That question was addressed by Scott Steinbergin, tech consultant and founder of GameExec magazine and Game Industry TV, in a great CNN piece a few weeks ago. In case you missed it, check it out: Why Does the Media Still Think Video Games are Bad for Kids? In…