
Here are some upcoming events that we think will be of interest to our readers. If you would like to submit an event to be listed here, please contact us.

Past Events

SXSW EDU 2025: AI Tools to Support Literacy & Computational Thinking

AI tools to support literacy & computational thinking  Generative AI is arguably one of the most disruptive forces in the current tech landscape— with undeniable impact in K-12 learning. It has the potential to be an effective tool to personalize learning by curating content and promoting student collaboration. But we must also address important questions about how to integrate AI in safe, equitable, and ethical ways within classrooms. This panel at SXSW EDU will share lessons learned through the creation…

Digital Media and Kids with Dr. Michael Rich and Dr. Rosemarie Truglio

The Joan Ganz Cooney Center and the West Side YMCA invite you to join us for a book party to celebrate an incredible resource for parents of all children of the digital age: The Mediatrician’s Guide: A Joyful Approach to Raising Healthy, Smart, Kind Kids in a Screen-Saturated World. We are thrilled to host an event featuring three experts in children’s media and health. Dr. Hina Talib, MD, a pediatrician and adolescent media specialist at the Atria Health Institute, will share her observations…

World Children’s Day: A Global View of Current Practices for Children and Digital Environments

This webinar celebrates children’s rights in the era of AI. It brings together leading experts in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Children’s Rights to discuss the latest advancements, ethical considerations, policy initiatives, practices and future directions with a focus on children’s inclusion. This webinar emphasizes the need for multi-stakeholder discussion and invites experts from academia, industry and policy while a panel of young people will contribute their perspective. This webinar will celebrate participation from the Global South trying to…

The RITEC Design Toolbox: Supporting Children’s Well-being in Digital Play

We are pleased to invite you to the upcoming launch of the RITEC Design Toolbox (RDT), part of the Responsible Innovation in Technology for Children (RITEC) initiative in partnership between UNICEF and The LEGO Group and supported by The LEGO Foundation. The RDT was developed based on the RITEC research about children’s well-being in digital play, created with over 750 children in 18 countries. The RDT is a set of practical tools for design teams, supporting the integration of the research…

EdTech Week: “Can You Tell Me How to Get to Sesame Street? Designing EdTech for Impact”

Columbia University, Teachers College Thursday, October 10, 2024 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM Lunch & Learn: “Can You Tell Me How to Get to Sesame Street? Designing EdTech for Impact” Sesame Street has been a successful edtech innovation for more than 50 years because it is both engaging and educationally effective for children and families. Over lunch in an interactive session, panelists who work at and with Sesame Workshop will share how they design for impact. They will discuss how to engage…

Seeing and Solving Through Multiple Lenses: New Ways to Transform Education

On Wednesday, September 18, New America hosts the biennial summit of the Learning Sciences Exchange (LSX) in Washington, DC.  The Joan Ganz Cooney Center's Senior Director of Research Medha Tare is a former LSX Fellow, and will participate on a panel about co-design with parents and teachers. Registration for the full-day, hybrid event is free. Learn more and register here.

Applying Principles of Well-being to Digital Design for Kids at Play Make Learn 2024

We are thrilled to be heading to Madison for the Play Make Learn conference from July 17-19, 2024. Please join us for a panel where we will discuss our Well-Being by Design Fellowship, a professional development program for designers and producers of interactive kids’ technology and media to center children's well-being in their products.  Our goal is to develop a supportive ecosystem that encourages tech and media creators to design with children’s best interests in mind, ultimately fostering a safer,…

2024 Games for Change Festival

We’re so excited for the Games for Change Festival in just a few weeks! This amazing event is back at Parsons in NYC from June 27-28. We can’t wait to talk about the Responsible Innovation in Technology for Children (RITEC) initiative and the forthcoming Design Guide for Business with our colleagues from UNICEF and the LEGO Group. On Friday, June 28, join Shuli Gilutz, Ph.D. for a keynote talk on the Main Stage at 10:00 AM: Designing for Well-being in Digital Play - It's possible!…

Creating Digital Play for Children’s Well-Being: From Research to Design

The Cooney Center and the NYU Create Lab are organizing an afternoon of learning and play on June 26 at the NYU Create Lab in Brooklyn. We will dive into the findings from new research from the Responsible Innovation in Technology for Children Initiative (RITEC), which looks at how digital design choices impact the well-being of kids, and explore how to apply these insights in a business environment. Shuli Gilutz from UNICEF will introduce the RITEC project and why it is…

Digital Parenthood Summit

Come join us at the Digital Parenthood Summit (June 4th from 9:30-3 at the Times Center in NYC), for a day of thoughtful conversation about raising the connected generation.  This free event features top parenting and mental health experts, including Dr. Becky Kennedy, Dr. Alfiee Breland-Noble, Dr. Aliza Pressman, and a live podcast with Dr. Lisa Damour. Dive into hot topics like social media and youth mental health, cyberbullying, and phones in schools. We’ll also be joined by producer, entrepreneur…

Kid-Tested, Evidence-Approved: The Future of EdTech Design at ASU+GSV

Kid-Tested, Evidence-Approved: The Future of EdTech Design Tuesday, April 16 3:50 - 4:30 pm PT   The current EdTech market is full of products that claim to make teaching, learning, and assessment easier for learners and educators. But what if, in addition to helping kids master important concepts more efficiently, digital products made learning truly empowering and engaging by drawing deeply from the science of learning and utilizing rigorous participatory R&D methods to ensure that children (and their grownups) had…

GDC 2024 – Fair Play Workshop

Harmonizing Multiplayer Experiences Location: Room 209, South Hall Date: Monday, March 18 Time: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Natasha Miller  (Senior Research Scientist II, Blizzard Entertainment) Kimberly Voll  (CEO, Brace Yourself Games) Weszt Hart  (Head of Player Dynamics, Riot Games) Michael Preston  (Executive Director, Joan Ganz Cooney Center, Sesame Workshop) Sarah Jacobstein  (Project Manager, Joan Ganz Cooney Center, Sesame Workshop) The Cooney Center is delighted to join the Fair Play Alliance at GDC this year to present a workshop as part of the Fair…

Cultivating Citizenship Through Digital Connections at SXSW 2024

Please join us in Austin for SXSW 2024! March 10, 2024 2:30-3:30 pm | JW Marriott Salon 6 Can we create online spaces that foster positive behaviors and social experiences that teach users the skills they need to create strong and resilient connections that help them thrive? Video games and social media have been at the center of debates about mental health and a myriad of social issues, but not all digital experiences are created equal. We'll talk about how…

Co-Design for a More Inclusive EdTech Ecosystem at SXSW Edu

March 7, 2024 Austin Convention Center Room 12AB The current edtech market is full of products that claim to fulfill lesson plans and make assessment easier for teachers. But what if, in addition to helping kids master important concepts, digital products could make learning truly impactful, and help diverse students and teachers feel empowered and engaged? We’ll talk about how we can bring kids and teachers into the design process in order to create kid-centered products that students enjoy using.…

FOSI 2023 Annual Conference: New Frontiers in Online Safety

The FOSI Annual Conference gathers experts in Washington, DC to debate topics such as content moderation, privacy policies and practices, digital wellbeing, and more. This year's program features research around critical issues such as AI, and practical approaches to ethics, safety, and parenting in the online space. Senior Director of Research Medha Tare on a panel moderated by Richard Culatta (ISTE), with Megan Fromm (NAMLE), Matthew Johnson (MediaSmarts), and Gwen Oldham (AT&T) at 1:10 pm: Media, Digital, and Social Emotional…

Co-designing the Digital Future with Kids, for Kids

What’s the secret to creating digital media products for kids that makes learning engaging and fun? We’ve found that including kids throughout the design process has many benefits: it empowers kids who find that their opinions are valued; designers gain a fresh perspective from the audience they’re creating for; and the product itself is often more impactful as a result. On Wednesday, September 27, the Cooney Center hosted a webinar to discuss the Cooney Center Sandbox with some of our…

ED Games Expo

The 9th annual ED Games Expo will occur in Washington, DC, at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts REACH on Wednesday, September 20 and Thursday, September 21, 2023. The ED Games Expo is designed to provide an engaging and meaningful experience for children, students, parents and caregivers, educators, and all stakeholders interested in learning about emerging forms of education-related technologies and the government programs that support EdTech innovation and research. There is no cost to attend the…

2023 IES Math Summit

In October 2022, The Nation’s Report Card revealed that fourth- and eighth-grade students assessed in the 2021-22 school year experienced the largest declines in mathematics performance in the program’s history. These national declines highlight the unprecedented learning crisis facing students following the COVID-19 pandemic. Even before the pandemic, gaps in mathematics achievement of students with the highest and lowest performance were already widening. In September 2023, the U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) and the Institute of Education Sciences…

FOSI Webinar: Digital Learning: Prepping for the School Year Ahead

Getting kids back in the classroom this Fall means tackling tech use from many different angles. In the coming months, parents will be contending with how to balance the extra screen time needed for homework, helping kids navigate complex social dynamics online, and striving to teach them what good behavior looks like by example. Additionally, both parents and kids are learning about generative AI in real time, and how these brand new technologies will impact academics and learning as well…

ARVR Policy Conference

On Thursday, September 14, the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF) and the XR Association present the third annual AR/VR Policy Conference in Washington, DC. The event will feature a series of expert talks and panels discussing critical policy questions covering privacy and safety, the use of AR/VR in education, children and teenager safety, and more. Panel #4: Back to School in the Metaverse (2:25 PM ET) As AR/VR technology becomes a valuable tool for educational purposes, developers and educators…

Designing Digital Play for Well Being at Games for Change 2023: Panel and Workshop

Panel: Designing Digital Play for Well-Being at Games for Change 2023 July 18, 2023 at 1:45pm The Times Center | Main Stage How do we define well-being in a digital world and what does it mean to thrive? How can developers incorporate diverse perspectives into game design to benefit players from different backgrounds around the world? How can we balance responsible design with business pressures? How can we empower game designers to embed designing for well-being and digital thriving into…

IDC 2023

The 22nd annual ACM Interaction Design and Children (IDC) Conference will be held on June 19-23, 2023 at Northwestern University in Chicago, Illinois. IDC is the premier international conference for researchers, educators, and practitioners to share the latest research findings, innovative methodologies, and new technologies in the areas of inclusive child-centered design, learning, and interaction. This year's theme is "Rediscovering Childhood." Senior Director of Research Medha Tare will participate in an industry panel discussion chaired by Bill Shribman, with Felix…

Growing Up Online: Youth Mental Health in a Modern World at Milken Institute Global Conference

The Milken Institute Global Conference takes place May 1-May 3, 2023 in Los Angeles, California. This year’s theme of 'Advancing a Thriving World' will tackle the most pressing challenges and capitalize on the most exciting opportunities of our time. The conference is available to view via live stream here. Cooney Center Executive Director Michael Preston will participate on the following panel, moderated by Savannah Sellers, with Jean Accius, Nina Davuluri, and John McPhee: Growing Up Online: Youth Mental Health in…

Designing Tech for Kids’ Well-Being at ASU+GSV 2023

What does well-being for children in the digital age look like? A growing movement acknowledges that it’s not enough to worry about technology’s potential harm to children; it is time to be more intentional about designing for positive outcomes. How can we design digital experiences that allow children to learn emotional regulation, develop competence and creativity, feel empowered and self-actualized, and connect with others in a diverse, equitable, and inclusive environment while keeping them safe? We will discuss recent research…

Designing for Digital Well-Being at SRCD 2023

On Friday, March 24, the Cooney Center's Senior Director of Research Medha Tare will moderate Designing for Digital Well-being: Frameworks for Optimizing Positive Media Experiences for Children and Families, a roundtable at SRCD 2023 in Salt Lake City. Panelists include Amanda LaTasha Armstrong, New Mexico State University and New America; Bruce Homer, The Graduate Center, City University of New York; Remi Torres, University of California, Los Angeles; Sesame Workshop; and Jason Yip, University of Washington, Seattle.  This conversational roundtable brings…

SXSW 2023

The Joan Ganz Cooney Center is thrilled to participate in two sessions at SXSW 2023 this March. If you're in Austin, we invite you to join us at the JW Marriott on March 10 and 11th. Designing Tech for Children's Well-Being There has been a great deal of conversation about technology’s potential harms for children. But what does well-being for children in the digital age look like? Can we design digital experiences that allow children to learn emotional regulation, develop…

From Surviving To Thriving In A Digital World: A Safer Internet Day Chat

The National Association for Media Literacy Education (NAMLE) and The Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop are teaming up to host a webinar and Facebook Live Event with adult and youth experts for Safer Internet Day on Tuesday, February 7, 2023 (4:00 pm - 5:30 pm EST).  “From Surviving To Thriving In A Digital World: A Safer Internet Day Chat” will be a conversation about the importance of designing online experiences with kids’ well-being in mind, including providing insights…

FOSI 2022 Annual Conference: Trust & Assurance: Online Safety in an Uncertain World

This year's FOSI conference convenes the best online safety thinkers, practitioners, and experts from around the world for high-level discussions and debates, engaging networking opportunities, and a first-class exhibition of online safety technologies, products, and services. Attendees will have the chance to explore topics such as content moderation, privacy policies and practices, safety in the metaverse, digital wellbeing, and much more. Cooney Center Executive Director Michael Preston will speak at a morning breakout session at 11:30am, "Inside a Child's Mind:…

Media Literacy Week: Building Toward Digital Well-being for Children

Join Children’s Media Association, the LEGO Group, the Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop, and NAMLE for an interactive virtual session where we will investigate the questions: what is children's digital well-being? why is it important? and how can we all build towards it? We’ll share new research and plans from the Responsible Innovation in Technology for Children (RITEC) initiative and hear from experts in child development, gaming—and you! Let's explore how we can all play a role in building a better digital…

Group Chat: Teens and Adults in Conversation at Media Literacy Week 2022

As part of U.S. National Media Literacy Week, please join the Cooney Center and NAMLE for a “premiere” presentation of three conversations between experts and youth around topics in youth digital culture, moderated by educator Dwight Dunston. Together, adults and teens explore issues like what kids are watching online, where they get their news, how they maintain a sense of well-being in the digital world, and what it’s like to collaborate with public media professionals to produce content.  We hope…

2022 NETA Conference and CPB Thought Leader Forum

The NETA Conference is dedicated to providing public media professionals with meaningful and relevant connections to the people and ideas that are at the heart of our mission to educate, engage, and entertain. This year's event is a hybrid conference, taking place September 18-22, 2022, in Charlotte, NC and online. The Cooney Center is pleased to present "A Seat at the Table for Tweens and Tweens in Public Media: Lessons from Established Youth Programs," featuring some early results from a…

Playtest with Kids

Please join the Children’s Media Association of the Bay Area and the Joan Ganz Cooney Center for a one-hour virtual event featuring the Playtest with Kids toolkit. The free interactive resource features methods and case studies to help teams get actionable insights when playtesting their products with children. We’ll talk with experts who will share what they’ve learned about how to effectively gather insights from kids (including remotely!) and how playtesting has impacted their product design. Come prepared to learn and to ask questions! Thursday, September 8,…

All Tech Is Human: Youth, Tech, and Wellbeing Panel + Mixer

All Tech Is Human and the Australian Embassy in DC are teaming up for a mixer + panel gathering for researchers, designers, advocates, technologists, academics, and more that are working at the intersection of technology, wellbeing, and youth. This will be a 2-hour panel + mixer for 75 org leaders, researchers, youth advocates, Trust & Safety professionals, academics, designers, entrepreneurs, and more! Speakers include the Cooney Center's Senior Director of Research Medha Tare, PhD, Zoom's Counsel on the Trust &…

Public Media Development and Marketing Conference 2022

The Public Media Development and Marketing Conference (PMDMC) is public media’s largest conference devoted to issues surrounding revenue generation, marketing, and management. This year's conference meets in Chicago. Cooney Center Senior Fellow Elizabeth Rood will speak on a panel on July 20 at 3:30 pm to share findings from our Next Gen Public Media research: New Platforms & New Audiences: Engaging Gen Z for Long-Term Sustainability Public media stations across the country are launching projects and initiatives to engage a…

Games for Change 2022

For nearly two decades, the Games for Change Festival has been a destination for developers, educators, researchers, students, and other game-changers who want to make an impact through video games or immersive media. This year, the Festival is back in person in New York City on July 13-14, and then online from July 15-16. Please join the Cooney Center for our panel on XR and learning! XR’s Potential for Student-Centered Learning Date: Thursday, July 14 Session Time: 1:45 PM -…

Dust or Magic Asimolar

Dust or Magic Asimolar is an opportunity for participants to catch up on the current state of children’s media, in one of the most beautiful locations in the world by way of talks, laser critiques and demos. Dust or Magic has a long tradition of deep dive conversations and honest critiques in a commercial-free setting. Participants leave with a sense of where things have been, and where they are going framed in child development theory. Watch this overview video  from…

WNET Virtual Event: The Role of Media & Technology in the Future of Education

How have teachers, parents, and students adapted to effectively teach and learn in the face of the growing digital divide? What resources, innovations, and solutions have emerged that could help us strengthen and transform our education systems going forward? Join preeminent experts in the field to examine these questions and more, as we look to a brighter, more equitable future for education. Moderated by award-winning journalist Hari Sreenivasan, the panel will include: • Jean-Claude Brizard, President and CEO, Digital Promise • Dr. Angela Haydel…

By/With/For Youth Workshops: Promoting Teen and Tween Collaboration with Public Media

As part of our By/ With/ For Youth: Inspiring Next Gen Public Media Audiences initiative, the Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop invites you to mark your calendars for an upcoming series of capacity-building workshops about collaborating with youth in public media. Designed for producers, directors, and others committed to growing youth participation in public media, the workshops will highlight research-backed best practices for engaging tweens and teens. Attendees will leave each virtual workshop with examples of youth engagement…

2022 AERA Annual Meeting

Each year, the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting is the world's largest gathering of education researchers and a showcase for groundbreaking, innovative studies in an array of areas. The 2022 Annual Meeting is a dual-component conference with sessions offered on-site in San Diego, CA, and other sessions offered on a virtual platform. This year's meeting theme is "Cultivating Equitable Education Systems for the 21st Century." The conference will take place Thursday, April 21 – Tuesday, April 26 in San…

ASU+GSV Summit 2022

Started in 2010 with a collaboration between Arizona State University (ASU) and Global Silicon Valley (GSV), the annual ASU+ GSV Summit connects leading minds focused on transforming society and business around learning and work. Their north star is that ALL people have equal access to the future. The Joan Ganz Cooney Center and Sesame Workshop are presenting a number of sessions: TIP OF THE SPEAR: EARLY CHILDHOOD (IN PARTNERSHIP WITH SESAME WORKSHOP) TUESDAY, APRIL 5, 2022 11:00 am - 11:40…

IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces

The IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (IEEE VR) is the premier international event for the presentation of research results in the broad areas of virtual, augmented, and mixed reality (VR/AR/XR). Since 1993, IEEE VR has presented groundbreaking research and accomplishments by virtual reality pioneers: scientists, engineers, designers, and artists, paving the way for the future. This event will be held entirely virtually from March 12th-16th. To register, click here.


The SXSW EDU Conference & Festival takes place each March in Austin, TX as a four-day event offering compelling sessions, in-depth workshops, engaging learning experiences, mentorship, film screenings, future-focused competitions, an expo, networking opportunities, and so much more. This year, the dates are March 7th-10th. SXSW EDU 2022 will be a hybrid event with an online component. Register for the event here.

show+tell: promising ventures fellows

Join Promise Venture Studio for show+tell: promising ventures fellows, an interactive, virtual event, where participants will hear from and connect with some of the most promising — and innovative — in the early childhood development (ECD) space, the ventures of the third cohort of Promise’s highly selective promising ventures fellowship. These ventures - led by diverse leaders and spanning birth equity, early literacy/education, community support, ECE workforce development, and policy - have done incredible work to meet the moment and…

Webinar: How to Design a Digital World Where Children Can Thrive

On February 8, 2022, the 5Rights Foundation and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Standards Association will host an expert panel to discuss how the new IEEE Standard for an Age-Appropriate Digital Services Framework Based on the 5Rights Principles for Children (IEEE 2089™-2021) will equip organizations with the tools to put young people’s best interests at the heart of the design of digital products and services. By following the practical steps outlined in this new framework, designers can ensure that children…

Next Gen Public Media Concept Design Sprint

This two-hour interactive workshop will help applicants transform their aspirations into compelling proposal concepts. Facilitated by Cooney Center project leaders, applicants will engage in design exercises that help generate ideas that align with Next Gen Public Media Accelerator goals and expectations. View agenda Friday, Nov. 12, 2021 1:00 - 3:00 PM ET Register here.

Next Gen Public Media Concept Design Sprint

This two-hour interactive workshop will help applicants transform their aspirations into compelling proposal concepts. Facilitated by Cooney Center project leaders, applicants will engage in design exercises that help generate ideas that align with Next Gen Public Media Accelerator goals and expectations.   View agenda Wednesday, November 10, 2021 1:00- 3:00 PM ET Register here

Next Gen Public Media Accelerator RFP Info Session

Public media professionals are invited to join us for this one-hour information session about the Next Gen Public Media Accelerator RFP. The session will focus on the purpose of the RFP, an overview of its guiding priorities, the key activities that will happen during the Next Gen Public Media Accelerator, and opportunities for potential applicants to ask questions about the opportunity. Monday, Nov. 8, 202 1:00 PM ET View the session recording here. <!--Register here-->  

Learning at Home While Under-Connected and the Role of Public Media

Learning at Home While Under-Connected: Lower-Income Families During the COVID-19 Pandemic follows up on 2016's Opportunity for All? Technology and Learning in Lower-Income Families to uncover the perspectives of lower-income parents with children ages 3 to 13.  In March and April 2021, researchers Vikki Katz and Victoria Rideout led a national survey of more than 1,000 parents. The report delves into the experiences that these families had while many children were learning at home during a time when many school buildings…

The Augmented and Virtual Reality Policy Conference

In the last decade, augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR) have evolved from niche tools for enthusiasts and high-tech industries to more widely adopted communications technologies that have the potential to transform the way people communicate, collaborate, and learn. As AR/VR solutions gain traction across sectors, they will raise important policy considerations-some of which are already a part of broader tech policy discussions, while others will be unique to these technologies. Through a series of expert talks and panels, this half-day…

Studying Youth and Family Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic at Connected Learning Summit 2021

As schools around the United States were forced to turn to remote learning methods last spring, research teams around the country mobilized to study how families were adjusting to the pandemic. Join the Cooney Center, Stanford University, the University of Washington, and the University of Michigan at the Connected Learning Summit for a discussion about family learning as aided by technology during the pandemic, as well as how we as researchers can study such learning remotely. The symposium will take…

Reframing Education for the 22nd Century

2020 was a year unlike any we have experienced before … until 2021. We have witnessed the “hoaxification” of the COVID-19 pandemic, massive civic unrest in response to long-tolerated systemic racism and injustice, continued denial of climate change in spite of an increasingly inhospitable natural environment, and most recently, a violent insurrection seeking to disrupt democracy and encourage authoritarianism. At the root of these issues is more than a conflict between change and the status quo: it’s the difference between…


The Joan Ganz Cooney Center is thrilled to share our work at SXSW EDU this year. Michael Preston and Senior Fellow Mary Madden will present highlights from our research on youth media practices in this conversation with Debra Sanchez (Corporation for Public Broadcasting) and Milton Chen (, Sesame Workshop, Kellogg Foundation). Tweens, Teens, & Public Media: The Missing Middle. While most young kids watch PBS, they leave public media behind in their tween and teen years. But youth still need…

The Future of Free Play in the Digital World

On World Children's Day, November 20, 2020, the Digital Futures Commission will launch ‘The future of free play in the digital world.' The work of the Digital Futures Commission will be introduced by Baroness Beeban Kidron, 5Rights Foundation, followed by a panel discussion chaired by Professor Sonia Livingstone OBE, London School of Economics, with Ann Phoenix, Kate Cowan, and Chris Batemen, to mark #WorldChildrensDay. They will introduce Digital Futures with a panel exploring the future of free play in the…

FOSI 2020 Annual Conference

This year’s Family Online Safety Institute's Annual Conference, “Building Resilience,” will cover the many changing elements of online life, for ourselves, our families, and our world. The inherent obstacles and vast benefits of the digital world have become apparent to all of us now more than ever, and we look forward to the new challenge of examining these issues against the backdrop of a quickly changing social and cultural landscape. Join Cooney Center Senior Fellow Mary Madden in a fireside…

Parenting for a Digital Future

Wednesday, July 29, 2020 9:00am PT / 12:00pm ET / 5pm BST Please join the Joan Ganz Cooney Center in celebrating the release of Parenting for a Digital Future, a new book by Sonia Livingstone and Alicia Blum-Ross that offers a balanced, in-depth exploration of the realities of parenting today. The authors will be joined by Anya Kamenetz, an education correspondent for NPR and author of The Art of Screen Time in a conversation hosted by Michael Preston, Executive Director…

New York Academy of Sciences Webinar: COVID-19: Screen Time and the Developing Brain

During COVID-19, children are spending more time in front of screens than ever before, with virtual school, video streaming, social media, and multiplayer games. Given that kids' brains are still developing, should parents be concerned? What are the long-term effects? Is there such a thing as too much screen time? What will happen to kids and teens in a post-COVID world? How will they adjust to a life with less screen time? This panel will bring together experts in pediatrics,…

ASU GSV 2020

GSV takes on society's greatest challenge: Ensuring everyone has an equal opportunity to participate in the future. Started in 2010 with a collaboration between Arizona State University and Global Silicon Valley (GSV), the annual ASU GSV Summit is the industry catalyst for elevating dialogue and driving action around raising learning and career outcomes through scaled innovation. ASUGSV website

LEGO Idea Conference 2020

Cancelled The LEGO Idea Conference invites thought leaders, practitioners, researchers, government representatives and social innovators to share their insights on new ways of learning that will equip and empower children to become creative, engaged, lifelong learners. Each LEGO Idea Conference features some of the most inspiring and influential speakers on topics related to learning, education and early childhood development. From young protagonists trying to change the system to established voices who are part of a deep-rooted way of thinking about…

Future of Childhood Summit

Event postponed   After much deliberation, the Future of Childhood Summit has been postponed. The planning team at Joan Ganz Cooney Center and Google are disappointed not to be able to host the Summit this March.We will share more details as soon as we are able to do so.   The Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop and Google will convene a Summit aimed at realizing our most positive visions of childhood in this tech-saturated age. This invitation-only event…

2020 NETA Conference & CPB Public Media Thought Leader Forum

The NETA Conference and CPB Public Media Thought Leader Forum is dedicated to the foundational cornerstone of Public Media: Education. Attendees represent station leadership, education, community engagement, marketing, promotion, production and content to learn from national thought leaders and engage in hands-on discussions. This year the conference will explore the future of education and media, with a focus on the following areas: Media in the Classroom, Content, Community Engagement, Station Management, and Youth Voices. The Joan Ganz Cooney Center will…

FOSI 2020 Annual Conference

The Family Online Safety Institute's 2020 Annual Conference theme is "2020 Vision: The Future of Online Safety.” Leaders from industry, government, law enforcement and non-profits will come together in Washington, DC to collaborate and innovate new solutions to Internet safety challenges. There will be keynotes, plenary panels, breakout sessions, alongside exhibits and a networking reception. Michael Preston, the Cooney Center's executive director, will participate in a panel on designing for children. Learn more and register for FOSI 2020 here  

National Center for Families Learning 2019 Conference

The Families Learning Conference is the premier event focused on innovative strategies and practices in family literacy and learning, two-generation education, and parent and family engagement. Attending the conference will equip attendees with tools and strategies to use right away with the students, families, and communities they serve. Presented by the country’s top experts, sessions will be available in: Adult Education, Early Childhood Education, Funding and Sustainability, Library, K-12 Education, Parent Leadership, and Research and Policy. In addition to gaining…

The Common Sense Census: Media Use by Tweens and Teens 2019

The Common Sense Census: Media Use by Tweens and Teens 2019, an update to the 2015 study, is a big-picture look at how young people in America are engaging with media and explores differences by race, gender and socioeconomic status. The study reveals a huge increase in the amount of time tweens and teens are spending watching online videos and using devices for homework, even as the digital divide persists. Please join Common Sense for a presentation of this research,…

CSforALL Summit 2019

The CSforALL Summit is a multi-day convening focused on rigorous, inclusive and sustainable computer science for all US students. There will be two plenary sessions where you will hear from both local and national stakeholders impacting systems change within CS education and highlighting their 2019 commitments. This year's event takes place in Salt Lake City, Utah from October 21-23, 2019. The Joan Ganz Cooney Center's Executive Director Michael Preston will lead "Leveraging Public Media to Inspire All Kids to See Themselves…

Play Make Learn 2019

The Play Make Learn Conference promotes high-quality learning opportunities for educators, researchers, developers, designers, foundation leaders, policy makers, musuem and library professionals, and school leaders who are dedicated to promoting making, gaming, and playful learning. Play Make Learn provides hands-on workshops that engage the audience in cutting-edge learning science ideas and experience; keynote speakers who have expertise in communicating state-of-the-art design, education, and research; demonstrations of new and upcoming games and technology; and networking opportunities meant to spark new projects.…

NAMLE Conference 2019

The theme for the 2019 National Association for Media Literacy Education conference is A Path Forward: Elevating Conversation, Unifying Voices. The conference is designed to provide a platform for including voices from diverse disciplines as we explore the future of media literacy in a rapidly shifting media landscape. To learn more and to register, visit

The Education Market: VR’s Best Hope? at XR for Change Summit

On Monday, June 17, the Joan Ganz Cooney Center presents a panel discussion at the XR for Change Summit in New York City. For years, experts have been predicting that immersive technologies like AR and VR are on the cusp of breaking into the mainstream market. But despite the dazzling experiences that users may encounter when they first try a VR headset, industry reports suggest there continue to be signs of instability in the hardware marketplace, and that consumer demand…

Immersive Media Design and Children Workshop

Immersive Media Design and Children is a one-day workshop to be held at the 2019 Interaction Design and Children Conference in Boise, Idaho. Co-hosted by the Joan Ganz Cooney Center and foundry10, this workshop will bring together a community of researchers, designers, practitioners, and other experts who are interested in the responsible design of immersive media—or augmented, virtual, mixed, and cross reality—for children, while taking into account children's developmental needs, equity, and inclusivity. At the workshop, participants will discuss and…

Reframing Learning Across Boundaries: Building Public Understanding and Support

We know that children spend more than 80% of their time outside of school. But research indicates that millions of preschool and school age children—especially those from low-income communities—too often lack access to the connected, intentional, evidence-based educational nourishment that is needed to propel lifelong learning. To combat these inequities, policymakers and program developers have targeted expanded learning opportunities as a national priority. But research by the FrameWorks Institute has identified a disconnect that needs to be addressed: most people…

69th Annual International Communication Association Conference

The ICA 2019 conference theme of Communication Beyond Boundaries aims for an understanding of the role of communication and media in the crossing of social, political and cultural boundaries that characterize contemporary society, and encourages research that crosses the boundaries of research domains, of particular fields of research interest, and of academia and the outside world. For more information, visit

ASU GSV Summit 2019

The ASU GSV Summit draws more than 4,500 leaders in education and talent tech. Attendees at this year's summit will include CEOs, investors, school, district and university leaders, media, enterprise learning and talent leaders, politicians, foundation leaders and policy makers.

LEGO Idea Conference 2019

The three-day LEGO Idea® conference offers a vibrant, playful and thought-provoking environment for group dialogues and impactful workshops. Participants from around the world come to debate, share insights, inspire and get inspired on topics within children’s learning, education and development. The next conference will be held on 1-3 April 2019. This year’s theme is: Unlocking the Power of Parenting.

Society for Research in Child Development 2019 Biennial Meeting

The Society for Research in Child Development hosts its 2019 Biennial Meeting in Baltimore, MD this year. The invited program features scholars from a number of countries (Australia, Germany, Mexico, South Africa, United Kingdom, United States), and disciplines (anthropology, economics, education, medicine, psychology, public health, public policy, sociology). Each day of the conference will be organized around one of these three themes: International, Interdisciplinary, and Relevant. Learn more about the SRC Biennial Meeting.

Family Online Safety Institute: 2018 Annual Conference

The 2018 FOSI Annual Conference will see the launch of FOSI’s latest research report, “Online Safety Across the Generations.” Panels will address topics such as screen time and “tech addiction”, digital resilience and wellbeing, content moderation, children’s privacy, and how we can all work together to build a culture of responsibility online. Learn more and register at

NAEYC 2018 Annual Conference

The NAEYC Annual Conference is the largest early childhood education conference in the world. Each year, tens of thousands of teachers, program administrators, students, and researchers choose from hundreds of presentations and exhibits to explore the latest trends and research in the early childhood field. Learn more and register:

Future of Childhood Salon: Immersive Media and Child Development

On November 7 and 8, 2018, the Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop, the School for the Future of Innovation in Society at Arizona State University, and Dubit will host the inaugural Future of Childhood Salon on Immersive Media and Child Development. At this day-and-a-half workshop, we will proactively plan for the future of immersive media—i.e., virtual, augmented, and mixed realities—in the lives of preadolescents before these technologies become ubiquitous among children this age. A cross-sectoral group of approximately…

18th Annual Dust or Magic Fall Institute

A group of reviewers, designers and researchers meet to review the past year in children’s interactive media, as well as the latest research, writing and trends. The three day event—equivalent to a graduate level course—includes review of child development theory applied to the latest interactive media, plus demos, critiques, testing and brainstorming sessions. This agenda is not defined by social or commercial agendas. Selling is not permitted; there are no sponsors or booths. Dust or Magic is an outgrowth of Children’s Technology…

Children’s Media Association – Bay Area Town Hall

The Children's Media Association celebrates the launch of the Bay Area chapter with their first official event: Rosé and Play with CMA-BA There will be games. There will be snacks. There will be tastings of rosés. And, of course, there will be opportunities to network with the dreamers and makers in our beloved industry! Our Town Hall is an opportunity to be part of the "think tank" that is CMA-BA. Come and celebrate with us at our launch party...for a…

Digital Media and Developing Minds Congress

This year, Children and Screens and Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory are hosting the 2nd national Digital Media and Developing Minds Congress, October 15-18, 2018 at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in Cold Spring Harbor, New York.  This conference will foster fruitful interaction and collaboration between researchers, clinicians and educators.  Speakers and panelists will evaluate the current state of scientific knowledge regarding how digital media influence child development at multiple ages and stages; outline directions for future study, and recommend interventions and solutions. For more…

National Center for Families Learning Conference 2018

The ​Families ​Learning ​Conference focuses ​on ​innovative ​strategies ​and ​practices ​in ​family ​literacy ​and ​learning, ​two-generation ​education ​solutions, ​and ​parent ​and ​family ​engagement. Attending the conference will equip you with tools and strategies to use right away with the students, families, and communities you serve. This year's meeting takes place in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. See the website for more information on registration and fees:

Connected Learning Summit at MIT Media Lab

The mission of the Connected Learning Summit is to fuel a growing movement of innovators harnessing emerging technology to expand access to participatory, playful, and creative learning. The Connected Learning Summit represents a merger between three community events with this shared vision and values: the Digital Media and Learning Conference, the Games+Learning+Society Conference, and Sandbox Summit. With a unique focus on cross-sector connections and progressive and catalytic innovation, this event brings together leading researchers, educators and developers. Learn More

The Children’s Media Conference

The Children’s Media Conference is an important event in the United Kingdom for everyone involved in developing, producing, and distributing content for kids. We open our doors to delegates from television, radio, film, games, interactive media, magazine and book publishing, the licensing and toy sectors, and the arts and culture sectors. Learn More

15th Annual Games For Change Festival

Join a community of game experts, developers, technologists, funders and social innovators to share groundbreaking ideas and interact with new impact games and immersive media. Attendees will also engage in three days of thought-provoking conversations, workshops, and networking events. Learn More

2018 ALA Annual Conference

The ALA is the oldest and largest library association in the world and holds its Annual Conference & Exhibition each summer. As the world's biggest library event, it brings together up to 25,000 librarians and library staff, educators, authors, publishers, Friends of Libraries, trustees, special guests and exhibitors to engage and participate in the ongoing transformation of libraries and to network. With around 2,500 scheduled events of which more than 500 are programs, sessions and in-depth facilitated and information conversations,…

Dust or Magic AppCamp

A gathering of top children's interactive designers, editors and reviewers who review the year and critique the field. The reviewers share what they’ve seen and explain what they like. The publishers demonstrate their latest apps. What do you do at App Camp? Give demos and get feedback from an expert audience. Meet old friends, and make new ones. Help critique the latest apps by way of demonstrations. Get the latest news on hardware and app store policies. Get a crash…

2018 International Communication Association Conference

Against a backdrop of evolving technologies and shifting sociocultural and political dynamics, the 2018 ICA conference theme, Voices, encourages scholars to delve more deeply into a concept inextricably linked with communication. For those attending, join Cooney Center Acting Executive Director Lori Takeuchi for a panel discussion on Designing Media to Encourage Tolerance and Empathy in Youth on Friday, May 25. Learn More

Children’s Screen Time Action Network Conference

The very first conference dedicated to reducing children’s screen time. Learn about health risks related to screen and device overuse. Attend workshops designed to help you communicate more effectively with parents. Meet other professionals who believe that reducing children’s screen time is necessary and possible. Explore opportunities for partnerships. Participate in round table discussions and working groups. Learn More

American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting

The AERA Annual Meeting is the largest gathering of scholars in the field of education research. It is a showcase for ground-breaking, innovative studies in a diverse array of areas—from early education through higher education, from digital learning to second language literacy. It is where to encounter ideas and data that will shape tomorrow's education practices and policies, and where to connect with leading thinkers from the U.S. and around the world. Featured Session: Cooney Center Research Manager Alexia Raynal…

Lego Idea Conference

Under the theme of Empowering Children to Shape Tomorrow, the 2018 LEGO Idea Conference seeks to explore how learning through play can be a powerful part of addressing the global learning crisis. Through an experiential and content-rich conference, it aims to build a deeper understanding of behaviors, motivations, and aspirations that will help unlock more adoption of learning through play, transforming how children learn in the home, community and classroom. Learn More

Webinar: Mimi Ito Interviews Mitch Resnick on “Lifelong Kindergarten”

Join Mimi Ito, director of the Connected Learning Lab at UC Irvine, as she interviews Mitch Resnick, the director of the Lifelong Kindergarten group at the MIT Media Lab, about his new book, “Lifelong Kindergarten: Cultivating Creativity through Projects, Passion, Peers and Play.” Mimi Ito is a cultural anthropologist, studying youth new media practices in the U.S. and Japan. She oversees research activities of the Digital Media and Learning Hub and is Chair of the MacArthur Research Network on Connected Learning…

Dust or Magic Masterclass in Bologna

The 5th Annual Dust or Magic Masterclass—held in conjunction with the Bologna Children’s Bookfair—will be held Sunday afternoon, March 25, 2018 in the headquarters of the Bologna Children’s Bookfair, in Bologna Italy.  The international gathering brings leading digital experts together for demos and deep conversation about trends and design issues affecting children’s publishing. Learn More

ASCD Empower18

ASCD connects educators with the resources, knowledge, and community to implement a whole child approach. Through learning paths, educators can direct their own professional learning—receiving exactly what they need to empower their schools and students. Learn More

Children and Families in the Digital Age Book Launch Event

The Bay Area Children's Media Group, the Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop, Digital Promise and Common Sense Media present Children and Families in the Digital Age. Join us for a panel conversation with researchers who are exploring the ways in which families with young children are using media together for learning and communication. The session will highlight research conducted as part of the Families and Media Project that is featured in the new book Children and Families in the Digital…

Webinar: Tackling World Issues by Fostering Global Competence in the Classroom

In a rapidly changing and complex world, how can we make sure that our young people develop an understanding of global issues and the empathy necessary to engage in making change? Join the Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop, World Savvy and World’s Largest Lesson at 3pm ET on Monday, March 13 for a free Share My Lesson webinar on creating global citizens. These three organizations will provide you with three distinct, but complementary ways for students to understand the…

COSN 2018 Annual Conference

We are living during a time of unprecedented and rapid change. New technologies like artificial intelligence, 3D printing, and robotics are emerging with the potential for having a transformative impact on industry, the economy and society as a whole.   Our physical and digital worlds are fusing, resulting in breakthroughs that were only imagined in the past. The speed and scope of this technological transformation is exponential with the potential for unlimited possibilities and endless opportunities. What are the implications…


SXSW EDU features a diverse array of speakers, sessions, workshops, learning experiences, policy discussions and film screenings programmed to foster learning and discovery for all education stakeholders. Learn More

Designing for Digital

Designing for Digital is meant to bring together UX professionals, web designers, managers, researchers, strategists and librarians of all types to examine the current user’s experience of the library and design the future of libraries in the modern, digital world. Learn More

Webinar: Tapping the Potential of NextGen Technology

The role of technology in early learning is growing as fast as our children. So how is technology really being used to support parents of infants and toddlers? What does the landscape of tech products for parents look like? Where are the gaps and opportunities? And what improvements can be made to the way parent-support technology is funded, developed, evaluated, and shared with parents? Find out during the Early Learning Lab's "Tapping the Potential of NextGen Technology" webinar on Tuesday,…

Kidscreen Summit

Kidscreen Summit is renowned as the kids entertainment industry’s most important annual event. Top executives attend Kidscreen Summit to take advantage of the year’s best business networking, and to engage in critical dialogue on issues that affect the industry. Learn More

2018 ALA Midwinter Meeting & Exhibits

The American Library Association invites you to join more than 8,000+ key library professionals from around the country for a series of presentations, panels, and exhibitions. With more than 450 exhibiting organizations, multiple pavilions, and stages featuring the hottest authors, and numerous related fun events, the ALA Midwinter Meeting is an exciting opportunity for learning, professional development, and networking. Learn More

Future of Education Technology Conference

For nearly 40 years, the Future of Education Technology Conference has gathered the most dynamic and creative education professionals from around the world for an intensive, highly collaborative exploration of new technologies, best practices and pressing issues. Its impact has been felt by thousands of districts, schools, educators—and ultimately students. Learn More

2018 Kids@Play Summit

The Kids@Play Summit looks at the new tools and services that digital natives use to learn, create and communicate. Attend a half-day conference and four day exhibition on the CES show floor promoting the next generation of digital hardware, software, and media for kids from toddler to high school. Learn More

Family Online Safety Institute Conference

The FOSI Annual Conference is the premier gathering of the online safety community. Hear from leaders in government, industry, the NGO sector as well as leading researchers, academics and practitioners in this growing space. This year's theme is "Trust & Civility in a Challenging World”. The conference will address a wide range of issues that weaken trust, safety and civility online and the positive ways to respond to these challenges. Learn More

2017 NAEYC Annual Conference

The Annual Conference of the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) is the largest gathering of thought leaders, classroom teachers and faculty, administrators, and other important practitioners and contributors in early childhood education. Learn More

Global Education Conference

The Global Education Conference Network is a collaborative, inclusive, world-wide community initiative involving students, educators, and organizations at all levels. Conference activities are designed to significantly increase opportunities for connecting classrooms while supporting cultural awareness and recognition of diversity and educational access for all. The event is free and takes place entirely online. Learn More

TELOS Learning Across Boundaries Symposium

Children’s learning experiences in home, school, and community settings are often disconnected from one another, and this challenge particularly affects those who are already under-served. How might learning be better linked to support children’s development? How are some communities innovating to address this persistent challenge and how can digital technologies contribute toward solutions? Join the TELOS Initiative and FamLAB for a special symposium highlighting ongoing national research presented by members of the FamLAB project (Families Learning Across Boundaries) and featuring examples of…

Media Literacy Week

Media Literacy is the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, communicate, and create using all forms of communication. The mission of the United States Media Literacy Week is to highlight the power of media literacy education and its essential role in education today. There are countless ways to participate in Media Literacy Week and the Media Literacy community! Learn More

Dust or Magic 2017 Fall Institute

A group of reviewers, designers and researchers meet to review the past year in children’s interactive media, as well as the latest research, writing and trends. The three day event includes review of child development theory applied to the latest interactive media, plus demos, critiques, testing and brainstorming sessions. Learn More

NAEYC Webinar: Tech in Early Childhood: Playful, Sensible Strategies for the Digital Age

Five years after releasing the joint position statement, Technology and Interactive Media as Tools in Early Childhood Programs Serving Children from Birth through Age 8, Chip Donohue, Roberta Schomburg, and Sabrina Burroughs will be discussing further developments and findings on the use of technology and interactive media in early childhood programs. RSVP for the free webinar taking place Thursday, November 2 at 3pm ET. Learn More

National Summer Learning Association National Conference

Research confirms summer as one of the most inequitable times of the year for millions of young people in America and this year’s theme We’ve Got the Power! captures the critical work underway to change that. We’ve Got the Power! calls upon our collective will and the leadership of legions of educators, community members and corporate leaders to step up, speak out and stand in the gap for our nation’s children. At this year’s conference, workshops will focus on four strands: Effective…

NCFL Families Learning Conference 2017

The nation’s largest family and community literacy conference, presented by the National Center for Families Learning, takes place in Tucson, Arizona this year. Gather with family literacy professionals, educators, researchers, advocates, coalition members, and policy makers from across the United States for the latest resources in education, networking opportunities, and more. Learn More

2017 SLJ Leadership Summit: Confronting Our Literacy Crisis

The 13th annual SLJ Leadership Summit: Confronting Our Literacy Crisis will bring together a dynamic group of school librarians, education leaders, and tech innovators, as well as authors, publishers, and vendor stakeholders to discuss how to take on a greater leadership role in overcoming the current literacy crisis—from teaching about and defending quality information over Fake News to fostering digital literacy and learning in these ever changing technological times. The 2017 Summit will surface current research about information literacy and showcase leaders who…

Digital Media and Learning Conference 2017

The Digital Media and Learning Conference is an annual event supported by the MacArthur Foundation and organized by the Digital Media and Learning Research Hub located at the UC Humanities Research Institute, University of California, Irvine. The conference is meant to be an inclusive, international and annual gathering of scholars and practitioners in the field, focused on fostering interdisciplinary and participatory dialog and linking theory, empirical study, policy, and practice. Learn More

Digital Kids Media Summit

Digital Kids Summit 2017 is a two-day, industry exclusive forum that brings together a diverse group of high level advisors to inspire, support and inform Digital Tech Innovators about the imminent future of kids’ digital play and learning. Learn More

EdNET Conference 2017

EdNET is a community of professionals in the education market, focused on staying informed and connected to collaborate and share ideas about market trends and opportunities in the PreK-12 education market. The EdNET Conference provides opportunities to exchange ideas and discuss market trends with industry stakeholders while forging new business relationships through productive networking. Learn More

LEAP InnovatED Summit 2017

The LEAP InnovatED Summit is the convening for educators, edtech innovators, and civic and philanthropic leaders to inspire, imagine, and innovate a new future for education. The Summit will feature a wide range of sessions on personalized learning, edtech, and other transformational topics led by local and national experts. The Learning Innovation Showcase will highlight Chicago's most innovative school models and feature curated edtech companies from across the country. Learn More

Games for Change Festival 2017

Discover how games can impact education, healthcare, research, civics, and social issues. The first two days of the Festival showcases the best and brightest game creators and changemakers with panels and keynotes, demos, networking events, and an expo. On the third day of the Festival the brand-new VR for Change Summit explores the positive power of virtual technologies in storytelling, science, and social justice. Learn More

AFT TEACH Conference 2017

TEACH (Together Educating America’s Children) 2017 will focus on the four pillars of strong and purposeful public education: promoting children’s well-being; supporting powerful learning; developing teacher and staff capacity; and fostering cultures of collaboration among educators, administrators, families and communities. The conference will take place in Washington, D.C. Learn More

National Summer Learning Day 2017

National Summer Learning Day is a national advocacy day aimed at elevating the importance of keeping kids learning, safe, and healthy every summer, ensuring they return to school in the fall ready to succeed in the year. Participation sends a powerful message across the nation that summers matter and offers an opportunity to showcase how summers can make a life-changing difference in the lives of young people. Learn More

2017 Children’s Media Conference

The Children’s Media Conference is an annual event in the United Kingdom for those involved in developing, producing, and distributing content for kids. CMC opens its doors to delegates from television, radio, film, games, interactive media, magazine, and book publishing, the licensing and toy sectors and the arts and culture sectors. Learn More