Category Archives: Gaming
Preparing Students for Professional Game-Design Careers
July 28, 2016
The STEM Challenge team recently co-hosted a workshop at the The Tech Museum of Innovation with Cogswell College. John Duhring, Director, Strategic Alliances and Alumni Relations, provides some insight into some career paths for students interested in exploring a future in game design and development. There is an urgent call across U.S. universities to better prepare students for careers. Current research reveals that students decide to go to college primarily to improve their employment opportunities. They look to colleges to…
Good Narrative, Good Game
July 25, 2016
Global Kids, Inc. works to ensure that youth from underserved areas have the knowledge, skills, experiences and values they need to succeed in school, participate effectively in the democratic process, and achieve leadership in their communities and on the global stage. Many of the students in their programs are creating games eligible for submission into the 2016 National STEM Video Game Challenge. Through in-school and after-school Global Kids (GK) programs, middle school and high school students examine global issues, make…
Inspired STEM Camper Turns Teacher
June 30, 2016
Empow Studios brings technology, arts, and play together to help young learners discover and build on their creative talents. They teach classes in programming, robotics, video game design, animation, design, audio engineering and other creative skills for the 21st century at over 20 locations in Massachusetts. Many of the students enrolled in their summer programs are designing games that are eligible for submission into the 2016 National STEM Video Game Challenge. When 22-year-old Lynne Richman had her first taste of…
Developing a Curriculum in Game Design and Development
June 21, 2016
Steve Isaacs teaches video game design and development to middle school students in New Jersey, and has been recognized as an ISTE Outstanding Teacher this year. Here he shares his experience in developing a curriculum in game design at his school, and offers tips for educators interested in doing so at their own schools. When I started teaching at William Annin Middle School (WAMS) in 1998, I offered an after school computer club that focused on Game Design and…
So You Want to Make a Video Game?
June 16, 2016
As a member of the Support Team for the National STEM Video Game Challenge, I often receive many emails from students looking for guidance, such as a recent request from Yoel in Dallas who was looking for tips for young game designers thinking about entering a game for the 2016 cycle. Based upon my experience as a professional game designer and a screener for many of the STEM Challenge game submissions, I thought I’d share my personal recommendations with all…
Q&A with Nancy Drew Developer Her Interactive
Since releasing their first Nancy Drew adventure game, Secrets Can Kill, back in 1998, Her Interactive has inspired thousands to pick up a virtual magnifying glass and take on the role of amateur detective—including 2015 STEM Challenge winner Olivia Thomas. Based out of Bellevue, Washington, the Her Interactive team has produced over 30 first-person mystery games in the last 18 years. This month, they launched Nancy Drew: Codes & Clues, aimed at introducing early learners to coding and STEM skills. To…
Olivia Thomas: A Video Game Designer’s Journey to the White House Science Fair
April 22, 2016
I don’t quite know when it hit me. Maybe it was when the man in black let me through the gates. Maybe it was when I walked past parking spaces that were reserved for people anyone would recognize. Maybe it was when I was standing at the threshold of a large white house with no escort except for my chaperone. But it wasn’t just a white house. It was the White House. My pass card? A video game. It was…
STEM Challenge Winner Attends 2016 White House Science Fair
April 13, 2016
We’re thrilled that Olivia Thomas, who won last year’s 2015 National STEM Video Game Challenge in the High School Gamestar Mechanic category, is attending this year’s White House Science Fair. This is the sixth and final Science Fair of President Obama’s Administration, with more than 130 students representing 30 states who have won a broad range of (STEM) science, technology, engineering, and math competitions. This is an incredible honor both for Olivia and the STEM Challenge, which was inspired by President…
Combining Creativity and STEM Skills Through Video Game Design
Almost every child in the United States plays video games—91% of children ages 2-17, according to NPD. But how many kids make their own video games? I could not find any reliable statistics. Nowadays, one barely needs to write a line of code in order to build a video game because there are so many platforms that make the process simple. Gamestar Mechanic, Unity, GameMaker, and Scratch are probably the most popular. Each one involves a different amount of complexity…
Parents! Please Take Our Survey About Games and Family Life
February 2, 2016
Are you the parent or guardian of a child between 4 and 13 years of age? Does your child play video games? If so, you are eligible to take a survey about digital games and family life by the Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop. Parents who complete the survey will have a chance to win one of two $25 gift cards to In 2014, the Joan Ganz Cooney Center launched a study to learn about digital game…