Category Archives: Gaming
Disrupting Video Game Discovery For Better Play Time
March 3, 2025
What Children Think About “Age Appropriateness” in Games
November 4, 2024
In the last five years, there has been mounting public interest in the relationship between digital technology use and children’s wellbeing. New policies and legislation aimed at promoting children’s rights and/or safety online are being proposed across North America and around the world at an unprecedented rate. Despite their popularity among children of all ages, however, digital games are often left out of the conversation. As is children’s vast knowledge, insights, and willingness to discuss the positives and negatives that…
“A Whole Lot Like Love”: Play Make Learn 2024
September 17, 2024
Ever since I joined the Joan Ganz Cooney Center’s Well-being by Design Fellowship, I have found myself subconsciously auditing my entire virtual world for its well-being design considerations. Does the team budget spreadsheet system promote feelings of competence for my colleagues? How does my wedding website support guests’ sense of identity? Did this airline-app-that-shall-not-be-named consider users’ feelings of autonomy in times of a global airline outage at all? I was delighted to attend the Play Make Learn annual conference at UW…
Can Digital Games Enhance Children’s Well-being?
April 30, 2024
The importance of play for children’s development and learning has long been recognized by parents, educators and researchers.1 Much of our lives are now being lived in digital contexts, and this is true for children as well. With the global popularity of video games such as Minecraft and Angry Birds, a great deal of children’s play these days includes digital games. This has raised some concerns about possible negative effects of digital technology, and it is important that parents help…
Sharing Evidence-Based Recommendations About Components of Children’s Well-Being for Game Designers
February 1, 2024
As digital games become ever more embedded in our daily lives, game designers and developers have the potential to create a positive impact through their work. This growing influence prompts us to consider a pivotal question: how can we navigate the ethics of digital game creation and be mindful of the impact that design choices have on players’ experiences, societal values, and most crucially, the well-being of the younger generation? Across a two-day conference that drew interest from over 600…
The Designing for Digital Thriving Challenge is Live!
October 5, 2022
The Joan Ganz Cooney Center is excited to join forces with Riot Games, IDEO, and the Fair Play Alliance to announce the “The Designing for Digital Thriving Challenge.” Co-hosted by Riot and IDEO, the Challenge is inspired by the work that the Fair Play Alliance (FPA) and the Cooney Center are doing to establish “Digital Thriving,” a field-initiated approach to building healthy interactions and resilient communities in online game spaces. The FPA and Joan Ganz Cooney Center define digital thriving…
Mood Management and Video Games
August 10, 2021
The following is an excerpt from Gaming SEL: Games as Transformational to School and Emotional Learning by Matthew Farber and appears here courtesy of publisher Peter Lang. In the early 1980s, video gaming often meant arcades, quick experiences designed to eat kids’ quarters. These games provided quick thrills, little in the way of nuanced emotion. Similarly, film was also fairly basic when introduced at the turn of the 20th century. Famously (at least according to legend), in 1895, the…
By Gamers, for Gamers: Young People Share Real Advice
July 23, 2021
The “stay safe online” message is being heard loud and clear – but these young gamers can see beyond “don’t talk to strangers”. The “By Gamers, For Gamers” Project was developed by the Alannah & Madeline Foundation in Australia. The project was initially conceived by adults to be co-designed and developed in close partnership with young people. The intention was to gather the advice and experience of gamers aged 15-18 years, and then share that advice in their own words…
Parents Coping with Pandemic Stress with Animal Crossing
July 7, 2021
Throughout the past year, everyone has experienced pandemic stress. But parents have been particularly vulnerable because of the additional work associated with managing children, especially for those parents trying to continue to work at their jobs. There have been many new studies about the ways that pandemic stress has impacted parents’ mental health. While people turn to a variety of tools to cope with pandemic stress, our study focuses on using entertainment media, specifically video games, as a coping tool. Using…
Games in the Lives of Today’s Teens
June 24, 2021
“We used to love playing Xbox all day. That used to be great. But now that it’s all we really do or have to do, they’re always like, ‘Oh, I’m so bored of Xbox. I just wanna do something else.’” (Boy, Age 17 / Pasco County, Florida) Last year the Joan Ganz Cooney Center launched the By/With/For Youth: Inspiring Next Gen Public Media Audiences initiative. Next Gen Public Media aims to “understand the media habits of tweens and teens and…